Bi-Heng Liu (柳必恒)
Bi-Heng Liu (柳必恒)
CAS Key Laboratory of Quantum Information, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على ustc.edu.cn
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Experimental control of the transition from Markovian to non-Markovian dynamics of open quantum systems
BH Liu, L Li, YF Huang, CF Li, GC Guo, EM Laine, HP Breuer, J Piilo
Nature Physics 7 (12), 931-934, 2011
Metalens-array–based high-dimensional and multiphoton quantum source
L Li, Z Liu, X Ren, S Wang, VC Su, MK Chen, CH Chu, HY Kuo, B Liu, ...
Science 368 (6498), 1487-1490, 2020
Long-distance entanglement purification for quantum communication
XM Hu, CX Huang, YB Sheng, L Zhou, BH Liu, Y Guo, C Zhang, WB Xing, ...
Physical Review Letters 126 (1), 010503, 2021
Experimental high-dimensional quantum teleportation
XM Hu, C Zhang, BH Liu, Y Cai, XJ Ye, Y Guo, WB Xing, CX Huang, ...
Physical Review Letters 125 (23), 230501, 2020
Experimental generation of an eight-photon Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger state
YF Huang, BH Liu, L Peng, YH Li, L Li, CF Li, GC Guo
Nature communications 2 (1), 546, 2011
Beating the channel capacity limit for superdense coding with entangled ququarts
XM Hu, Y Guo, BH Liu, YF Huang, CF Li, GC Guo
Science advances 4 (7), eaat9304, 2018
Experimental transmission of quantum information using a superposition of causal orders
Y Guo, XM Hu, ZB Hou, H Cao, JM Cui, BH Liu, YF Huang, CF Li, GC Guo, ...
Physical review letters 124 (3), 030502, 2020
Progress in quantum teleportation
XM Hu, Y Guo, BH Liu, CF Li, GC Guo
Nature Reviews Physics 5 (6), 339-353, 2023
Photonic realization of nonlocal memory effects and non-Markovian quantum probes
BH Liu, DY Cao, YF Huang, CF Li, GC Guo, EM Laine, HP Breuer, J Piilo
Scientific reports 3 (1), 1781, 2013
Spontaneous parametric down‐conversion sources for multiphoton experiments
C Zhang, YF Huang, BH Liu, CF Li, GC Guo
Advanced Quantum Technologies 4 (5), 2000132, 2021
Distribution of high-dimensional orbital angular momentum entanglement over a 1 km<? TeX\break?> few-mode fiber
H Cao, SC Gao, C Zhang, J Wang, DY He, BH Liu, ZW Zhou, YJ Chen, ...
Optica 7 (3), 232-237, 2020
Experimental investigation of the no-signalling principle in parity–time symmetric theory using an open quantum system
JS Tang, YT Wang, S Yu, DY He, JS Xu, BH Liu, G Chen, YN Sun, K Sun, ...
Nature Photonics 10 (10), 642-646, 2016
Experimental greenberger-horne-zeilinger-type six-photon quantum nonlocality
C Zhang, YF Huang, Z Wang, BH Liu, CF Li, GC Guo
Physical review letters 115 (26), 260402, 2015
Efficient Generation of High-Dimensional Entanglement through Multipath Down-Conversion
XM Hu, WB Xing, BH Liu, YF Huang, CF Li, GC Guo, P Erker, M Huber
Physical Review Letters 125, 090503, 2020
Experimental demonstration of phase measurement precision beating standard quantum limit by projection measurement
FW Sun, BH Liu, YX Gong, YF Huang, ZY Ou, GC Guo
Europhysics Letters 82 (2), 24001, 2008
Demonstration of one-dimensional quantum random walks using orbital angular momentum of photons
P Zhang, XF Ren, XB Zou, BH Liu, YF Huang, GC Guo
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 75 (5), 052310, 2007
Advances in quantum dense coding
Y Guo, BH Liu, CF Li, GC Guo
Advanced Quantum Technologies 2 (5-6), 1900011, 2019
High-visibility on-chip quantum interference of single surface plasmons
YJ Cai, M Li, XF Ren, CL Zou, X Xiong, HL Lei, BH Liu, GP Guo, GC Guo
Physical Review Applied 2 (1), 014004, 2014
Multiuser-to-multiuser entanglement distribution based on 1550 nm polarization-entangled photons
DY Cao, BH Liu, Z Wang, YF Huang, CF Li, GC Guo
Science bulletin 60, 1128-1132, 2015
Detecting metrologically useful asymmetry and entanglement by a few local measurements
C Zhang, B Yadin, ZB Hou, H Cao, BH Liu, YF Huang, R Maity, V Vedral, ...
Physical Review A 96 (4), 042327, 2017
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20