Paul Scott
Paul Scott
Research Fellow, School of Computing, The Australian National University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Nesta, the NICTA energy system test case archive
C Coffrin, D Gordon, P Scott
arXiv preprint arXiv:1411.0359, 2014
An incentive-compatible energy trading framework for neighborhood area networks with shared energy storage
CP Mediwaththe, M Shaw, S Halgamuge, DB Smith, P Scott
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 11 (1), 467-476, 2019
Residential demand response under uncertainty
P Scott, S Thiébaux, M Van Den Briel, P Van Hentenryck
International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint …, 2013
Affinely Adjustable Robust ADMM for Residential DER Coordination in Distribution Networks
A Attarha, P Scott, S Thiébaux
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (2), 1620-1629, 2019
Network-aware coordination of residential distributed energy resources
P Scott, D Gordon, E Franklin, L Jones, S Thiébaux
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (6), 6528-6537, 2019
Distributed multi-period optimal power flow for demand response in microgrids
P Scott, S Thiébaux
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Sixth International Conference on Future Energy …, 2015
Network-constrained bidding optimization strategy for aggregators of prosumers
J Iria, P Scott, A Attarha
Energy 207, 118266, 2020
SolarTherm: A flexible Modelica-based simulator for CSP systems
P Scott, AC Alonso, JT Hinkley, J Pye
AIP Conference Proceedings 1850 (1), 160026, 2017
MV-LV network-secure bidding optimisation of an aggregator of prosumers in real-time energy and reserve markets
J Iria, P Scott, A Attarha, D Gordon, E Franklin
Energy 242, 122962, 2022
Network-Secure and Price-Elastic Aggregator Bidding in Energy and Reserve Markets
A Attarha, P Scott, J Iria, S Thiébaux
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 12 (3), 2284-2294, 2021
Affinely Adjustable Robust Volt/Var Control for Distribution Systems With High PV Penetration
SMNR Abadi, A Attarha, P Scott, S Thiébaux
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 36 (4), 3238-3247, 2020
Photographic assessment of retroreflective film properties
G Burgess, MR Shortis, P Scott
ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 66 (5), 743-750, 2011
Randomized load control: A simple distributed approach for scheduling smart appliances
M Van Den Briel, P Scott, S Thiébaux
AAAI Press, 2013
Data-driven adjustable robust solution to voltage-regulation problem in PV-rich distribution systems
SMN RA, P Scott, M Mahmoodi, A Attarha
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 141, 108118, 2022
Network-Secure Envelopes Enabling Reliable DER Bidding in Energy and Reserve Markets
A Attarha, SMN RA, P Scott, S Thiébaux
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 13 (3), 2050-2062, 2021
Network-aware co-optimisation of residential DER in energy and FCAS markets
A Attarha, P Scott, S Thiébaux
Electric Power Systems Research 189, 106730, 2020
Network Congestion Management: Experiences From Bruny Island Using Residential Batteries
A Chapman, A Fraser, L Jones, H Lovell, P Scott, S Thiebaux, G Verbic
IEEE Power and Energy Magazine 19 (4), 41-51, 2021
Optimising the value of distributed energy resources
L Blackhall, G Kuiper, L Nicholls, P Scott
The Electricity Journal 33 (9), 106838, 2020
Adjustable robust approach to increase DG hosting capacity in active distribution systems
M Mahmoodi, A Attarha, SMN RA, P Scott, L Blackhall
Electric Power Systems Research 211, 108347, 2022
Active Management of LV Residential Networks under High PV Penetration
SMNR Abadi, M Mahmoodi, P Scott, L Blackhall, S Thiébaux
2019 IEEE Milan PowerTech, 1-6, 2019
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مقالات 1–20