David Angeli
David Angeli
Professor in Nonlinear Network Dynamics, Imperial College London, Associato, Università di Firenze
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على imperial.ac.uk
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Detection of multistability, bifurcations, and hysteresis in a large class of biological positive-feedback systems
D Angeli, JE Ferrell Jr, ED Sontag
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (7), 1822-1827, 2004
A Lyapunov approach to incremental stability properties
D Angeli
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 47 (3), 410-421, 2002
Monotone control systems
D Angeli, ED Sontag
IEEE Transactions on automatic control 48 (10), 1684-1698, 2003
A characterization of integral input-to-state stability
D Angeli, ED Sontag, Y Wang
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 45 (6), 1082-1097, 2000
Economic model predictive control
D Angeli
Encyclopedia of Systems and Control, 665-671, 2021
Economic optimization using model predictive control with a terminal cost
R Amrit, JB Rawlings, D Angeli
Annual Reviews in Control 35 (2), 178-186, 2011
Fundamentals of economic model predictive control
JB Rawlings, D Angeli, CN Bates
2012 IEEE 51st IEEE conference on decision and control (CDC), 3851-3861, 2012
Forward completeness, unboundedness observability, and their Lyapunov characterizations
D Angeli, ED Sontag
Systems & Control Letters 38 (4-5), 209-217, 1999
Nonlinear norm-observability notions and stability of switched systems
JP Hespanha, D Liberzon, D Angeli, ED Sontag
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 50 (2), 154-168, 2005
Multi-stability in monotone input/output systems
D Angeli, ED Sontag
Systems & Control Letters 51 (3-4), 185-202, 2004
A stochastic approach to “dynamic-demand” refrigerator control
D Angeli, PA Kountouriotis
IEEE Transactions on control systems technology 20 (3), 581-592, 2011
A Petri net approach to the study of persistence in chemical reaction networks
D Angeli, P De Leenheer, ED Sontag
Mathematical biosciences 210 (2), 598-618, 2007
Almost global stabilization of the inverted pendulum via continuous state feedback
D Angeli
Automatica 37 (7), 1103-1108, 2001
An ellipsoidal off-line MPC scheme for uncertain polytopic discrete-time systems
D Angeli, A Casavola, G Franzè, E Mosca
Automatica 44 (12), 3113-3119, 2008
An almost global notion of input-to-state stability
D Angeli
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 49 (6), 866-874, 2004
Robust command governors for constrained linear systems
A Casavola, E Mosca, D Angeli
IEEE transactions on Automatic Control 45 (11), 2071-2077, 2000
A unifying integral ISS framework for stability of nonlinear cascades
M Arcak, D Angeli, E Sontag
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 40 (6), 1888-1904, 2002
A tutorial on Chemical Reaction Networks dynamics
D Angeli
2009 European Control Conference (ECC), 649-657, 2009
Economic and environmental benefits of dynamic demand in providing frequency regulation
M Aunedi, PA Kountouriotis, JEO Calderon, D Angeli, G Strbac
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 4 (4), 2036-2048, 2013
Monotone chemical reaction networks
PD Leenheer, D Angeli, ED Sontag
Journal of mathematical chemistry 41, 295-314, 2007
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مقالات 1–20