Melvin D. Bolton
Melvin D. Bolton
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary: biology and molecular traits of a cosmopolitan pathogen
MD Bolton, BPHJ Thomma, BD Nelson
Molecular plant pathology 7 (1), 1-16, 2006
Primary metabolism and plant defense—fuel for the fire
MD Bolton
Molecular plant-microbe Interactions 22 (5), 487-497, 2009
Wheat leaf rust caused by Puccinia triticina
MD Bolton, JA Kolmer, DF Garvin
Molecular plant pathology 9 (5), 563-575, 2008
Tomato immune receptor Ve1 recognizes effector of multiple fungal wilt pathogens uncovered by genome and RNA sequencing
R Dejonge, P Vanesse, K Maruthachalam, M Bolton, P Santhanam, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (13), 5110-5115, 2012
The novel Cladosporium fulvum lysin motif effector Ecp6 is a virulence factor with orthologues in other fungal species
MD Bolton, HP Van Esse, JH Vossen, R De Jonge, I Stergiopoulos, ...
Molecular microbiology 69 (1), 119-136, 2008
The Cladosporium fulvum virulence protein Avr2 inhibits host proteases required for basal defense
HP Van Esse, JW Van't Klooster, MD Bolton, KA Yadeta, P Van Baarlen, ...
The Plant Cell 20 (7), 1948-1963, 2008
Extensive chromosomal reshuffling drives evolution of virulence in an asexual pathogen.
R de Jonge, M Bolton, A Kombrink, G van den Berg, K Yadeta, ...
Genome research 23, 1271-1282, 2013
How filamentous pathogens co-opt plants: the ins and outs of fungal effectors
R De Jonge, MD Bolton, BPHJ Thomma
Current opinion in plant biology 14 (4), 400-406, 2011
The Chitin-Binding Cladosporium fulvum Effector Protein Avr4 Is a Virulence Factor
HP Van Esse, MD Bolton, I Stergiopoulos, PJGM de Wit, BPHJ Thomma
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 20 (9), 1092-1101, 2007
Temperature, moisture, and fungicide effects in managing Rhizoctonia root and crown rot of sugar beet
MD Bolton, L Panella, L Campbell, MFR Khan
Phytopathology 100 (7), 689-697, 2010
Lr34-Mediated Leaf Rust Resistance in Wheat: Transcript Profiling Reveals a High Energetic Demand Supported by Transient Recruitment of Multiple Metabolic …
MD Bolton, JA Kolmer, WW Xu, DF Garvin
Molecular plant-microbe interactions 21 (12), 1515-1527, 2008
Microbial small molecules–weapons of plant subversion
IA Stringlis, H Zhang, CMJ Pieterse, MD Bolton, R de Jonge
Natural Product Reports 35 (5), 410-433, 2018
Identification of the G143A mutation associated with QOI resistance in Cercospora beticola field isolates from Michigan, United States
MD Bolton, V Rivera, G Secor
Pest Management Science 69, 35-39, 2013
Tobacco leaf spot and root rot caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kühn
M Gonazlez, M Pujol, JP Metraux, V Gonazlez-Garcia, MD Bolton, ...
Molecular plant pathology 12 (3), 209-216, 2011
Mind the gap; seven reasons to close fragmented genome assemblies
BPHJ Thomma, MF Seidl, X Shi-Kunne, DE Cook, MD Bolton, ...
Fungal Genetics and Biology, 2016
Tools of the crook- infection strategies of fungal plant pathogens
L Rodriguez-Moreno, ME Ebert, MD Bolton, BPHJ Thomma
The Plant Journal 93, 664-674, 2018
Molecular characterization and detection of mutations associated with resistance to succinate dehydrogenase inhibiting (SDHI) fungicides in Alternaria solani
I Mallik, S Arabiat, J Pasche, MD Bolton, JS Patel, NC Gudmestad
Phytopathology 104 (1), 40-49, 2014
The complexity of nitrogen metabolism and nitrogen-regulated gene expression in plant pathogenic fungi
MD Bolton, BPHJ Thomma
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 72 (4-6), 104-110, 2008
Characterization of CbCyp51 from field isolates of Cercospora beticola
MD Bolton, K Birla, V Rivera-Varas, KD Rudolph, GA Secor
Phytopathology 102 (3), 298-305, 2012
Cercospora beticola: The intoxicating lifestyle of the leaf spot pathogen of sugar beet
LI Rangel, RE Spanner, MK Ebert, SJ Pethybridge, EH Stukenbrock, ...
Molecular Plant Pathology 21 (8), 1020-1041, 2020
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مقالات 1–20