Francesco Corti
Francesco Corti
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The European Commission’s entrepreneurship and the social dimension of the European Semester: from the European Pillar of Social Rights to the Covid-19 pandemic
P Vesan, F Corti, S Sabato
Comparative European Politics 19 (3), 277, 2021
New tensions over social Europe? The European Pillar of Social Rights and the debate within the European Parliament
P Vesan, F Corti
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 57 (5), 977-994, 2019
Governing Europe's recovery and resilience facility: Between discipline and discretion
D Bokhorst, F Corti
Government and Opposition 59 (3), 718-734, 2024
From austerity‐conditionality towards a new investment‐led growth strategy: Social Europe after the Recovery and Resilience Facility
F Corti, P Vesan
Social Policy & Administration 57 (4), 513-548, 2023
The times they are a-changin’? The European pillar of social rights from debates to reality check
S Sabato, F Corti
Social policy in the European Union: state of play 2018, 51-72, 2018
Who will really benefit from the Next Generation EU funds?
C Alcidi
CEPS, 2020
The nature and rationale for European social rights
F Vandenbroucke, M Keune, M Ferrera, F Corti
Report (1.0), 2021
Social citizenship as a marble cake: the changing pattern of right production and the role of the EU
M Ferrera, F Corti, M Keune
Journal of European Social Policy 33 (5), 493-509, 2023
Steering and monitoring the recovery and resilience plans
F Corti, J Núñez-Ferrer
CEPS Policy Insights 26, 2021
The politicisation of social Europe: Conflict dynamics and welfare integration
F Corti
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022
The EU response to Covid-19: breaking old taboos
C Alcidi, F Corti
Social policy in the European Union: state of play 1, 39-60, 2021
Integrating the European Pillar of Social Rights into the roadmap for deepening Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union
S Sabato, Sebastiano, Corti, Francesco, Vanhercke, Bart, and Spasova
European Economic and Social Committee, 2019
Implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights: Study
S Sabato, D Ghailani, R Peña-Casas, S Spasova, F Corti, B Vanhercke
European Economic and Social Committee, 2018
The Recovery and Resilience Facility: Boosting investment in social infrastructure in Europe?
F Corti, A Liscai, T Ruiz
Italian Labour Law e-Journal 15 (1S), 15-30, 2022
The Recovery and Resilience Facility: A springboard for a renaissance of public investments in Europe?
F Corti, D Gros, T Ruiz De La Ossa, A Liscai, T Kiss-Galfalvi, D Gstrein, ...
EconPol Policy Brief, 2021
The return of the commission social entrepreneurship before and after the Covid-19 pandemic
P Vesan, F Corti
Journal of European Integration 44 (6), 787-802, 2022
Will SURE shield EU workers from the corona crisis
C Alcidi, F Corti
CEPS In Brief 6, 2020
EU employment policy and social citizenship (2009–2022): an inclusive turn after the Social Pillar?
R Huguenot-Noël, F Corti
Transfer: European review of labour and research 29 (2), 185-201, 2023
Comparing and assessing recovery and resilience plans: Italy, Germany, Spain, France, Portugal and Slovakia
F Corti, J Nuñez Ferrer, T Ruiz de la Ossa, P Regazzoni
CEPS Recovery and Resilience Reflection Papers, 15-30, 2021
The time is ripe to make SURE a permanent instrument
F Corti, C Alcidi
CEPS, 2021
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مقالات 1–20