Amalendu Ghosh
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Bio-efficacy of spinosad against tomato fruit borer (Helicoverpa armigera Hub.)(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and its natural enemies
A Ghosh, M Chatterjee, A Roy
Journal of Horticulture and Forestry 2 (5), 108-111, 2010
Field evaluation of insecticides against chilli thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood)
A Ghosh, ML Chatterjee, K Chakraborti, A Samanta
Annals of Plant Protection Sciences 17 (1), 69-71, 2009
Dinotefuran: A third generation neonicotinoid insecticide for management of rice brown planthopper
A Ghosh, A Samanta, ML Chatterjee
African journal of Agricultural research 9 (8), 750-754, 2014
Occurrence of a new cryptic species of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae): An updated record of cryptic diversity in India
Mehzabin Rehman, Prosenjit Chakraborty, Bhaben Tanti, Bikash Mandal ...
Phytoparasitica, 10.1007/s12600-021-00909-9, 2021
Genetics of Thrips palmi (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)
Amalendu Ghosh, S Jagdale, Basavaraj, Ralf Dietzgen, RK Jain
Journal of Pest Science 93 (1), 27-39, 2020
Thrips as the Vectors of Tospoviruses in Indian Agriculture
Amalendu Ghosh, Debjani Dey, Timmanna, Basavaraj, Bikash Mandal, RK Jain
A Century of Plant Virology in India, 537-561, 2017
A century of plant virology in India
B Mandal, GP Rao, VK Baranwal, RK Jain, GP Rao
Springer, 2017
Exposure to watermelon bud necrosis virus and groundnut bud necrosis virus alters the life history traits of their vector, Thrips palmi (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)
Amalendu Ghosh, Y. B. Basavaraj, Sumit Jangra, Amrita Das
Archives of Virology, 2019
A rapid field-based assay using recombinase polymerase amplification for identification of Thrips palmi, a vector of tospoviruses
Priti, Sumit Jangra, Amalendu Ghosh*
Journal of Pest Science, https://rdcu.be/b8ezG, 2020
Aphids as Vectors of the Plant Viruses in India
Amalendu Ghosh, Samiran Chakraborti, Bikash Mandal, NK Krishna Kumar
A Century of Plant Virology in India, 515-536, 2017
Topical Spray of dsRNA Induces Mortality and Inhibits Chilli Leaf Curl Virus Transmission by Bemisia tabaci Asia II 1
Prosenjit Chakraborty, Amalendu Ghosh*
Cells 11 (5), 833, 2022
How many begomovirus copies are acquired and inoculated by its vector, whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) during feeding?
Amalendu Ghosh*, Buddhadeb Roy, Prosenjit Chakraborty
Plos One 16 (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0258933), 16(10): e0258933, 2021
Cardamom Bushy Dwarf Virus Infection in Large Cardamom Alters Plant Selection Preference, Life Stages, and Fecundity of Aphid Vector, Micromyzus kalimpongensis (Hemiptera …
Amalendu Ghosh, Amrita Das, S. Vijayanandraj, Bikash Mandal
Environmental Entomology 45 (1), 178-184, 2016
Groundnut bud necrosis virus modulates the expression of innate immune, endocytosis, and cuticle development-associated genes to circulate and propagate in its vector, Thrips palmi
DK Mahanta, S Jangra, Priti, A Ghosh, PK Sharma, MA Iquebal, S Jaiswal, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 13, 773238, 2022
Frontiers approaches to the diagnosis of thrips (thysanoptera): how effective are the molecular and electronic detection platforms?
A Ghosh, S Jangra, RG Dietzgen, WB Yeh
Insects 12 (10), 920, 2021
Rapid and zero-cost DNA extraction from soft-bodied insects for routine PCR-based applications
Sumit Jangra, Amalendu Ghosh
Plos One 17 (7), e0271312, 2022
Efficacy of insecticides against mango hoppers and fruit yield
A Samanta, A Gosh, TK Hembram, S Patra, AK Somchowdhury
Annals of Plant Protection Sciences 17 (1), 243-244, 2009
Effect of neo-nicotinoids on bacterial symbionts and insecticide resistant gene in whitefly, Bemisia tabaci
Mritunjoy Barman, Snigdha Samanta, Himanshu Thakur, Swati Chakraborty ...
Insects 12 (Insects 2021, 12, 0. https://doi.org/10.), https://doi.org/10 …, 2021
Sulfoximine: A novel insecticide for management of rice brown planthopper in India
A Ghosh, A Das, A Samanta, ML Chatterjee, A Roy
African Journal of Agricultural Research 8 (38), 4798-4803, 2013
Highly efficient immunodiagnosis of Large cardamom chirke virus using the polyclonal antiserum against Escherichia coli expressed recombinant coat protein
S Vijayanandraj, M Yogita, A Das, A Ghosh, B Mandal
Indian Journal of Virology 24, 2013
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مقالات 1–20