Eun-Mi Hong
Eun-Mi Hong
School of Natural Resources and Environmental Science, Kangwon National University
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على kangwon.ac.kr
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Assessment of water delivery efficiency in irrigation canals using performance indicators
WH Nam, EM Hong, JY Choi
Irrigation Science 34 (2), 129-143, 2016
Has climate change already affected the spatial distribution and temporal trends of reference evapotranspiration in South Korea?
WH Nam, EM Hong, JY Choi
Agricultural Water Management 150, 129-138, 2015
Irrigation vulnerability assessment on agricultural water supply risk for adaptive management of climate change in South Korea
WH Nam, JY Choi, EM Hong
Agricultural Water Management 152, 173-187, 2015
Predicting microbial water quality with models: over-arching questions for managing risk in agricultural catchments
DM Oliver, KDH Porter, YA Pachepsky, RW Muirhead, SM Reaney, ...
Science of the Total Environment 544, 39-47, 2016
A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) application for irrigation facilities management based on Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
WH Nam, T Kim, EM Hong, JY Choi, JT Kim
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 143, 185-192, 2017
Impact of climate change on reference evapotranspiration in Egypt
AN Yassen, WH Nam, EM Hong
Catena 194, 104711, 2020
Projected irrigation requirements for upland crops using soil moisture model under climate change in South Korea
EM Hong, WH Nam, JY Choi, YA Pachepsky
Agricultural Water Management 165, 163-180, 2016
Agricultural drought assessment in East Asia using satellite-based indices
DH Yoon, WH Nam, HJ Lee, EM Hong, S Feng, BD Wardlow, T Tadesse, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (3), 444, 2020
Estimation of paddy rice evapotranspiration considering climate change using LARS-WG
EM Hong, JY Choi, SH Lee, SH Yoo, MS Kang
Journal of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers 51 (3), 25-35, 2009
Analysis of design water requirement of paddy rice using frequency analysis affected by climate change in South Korea
SH Yoo, JY Choi, WH Nam, E Hong
Agricultural water management 112, 33-42, 2012
Developing the vegetation drought response index for South Korea (VegDRI-SKorea) to assess the vegetation condition during drought events
WH Nam, T Tadesse, BD Wardlow, MJ Hayes, MD Svoboda, EM Hong, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing 39 (5), 1548-1574, 2018
Assessment of irrigation efficiencies using smarter water management
WH Nam, JY Choi, EM Hong, JT Kim
Journal of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers 55 (4), 45-53, 2013
How climate change has affected the spatio‐temporal patterns of precipitation and temperature at various time scales in North Korea
WH Nam, EM Hong, GA Baigorria
International Journal of Climatology 36 (2), 722-734, 2016
Agricultural drought risk assessment using reservoir drought index
WH Nam, JY Choi, MW Jang, EM Hong
Journal of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers 55 (3), 41-49, 2013
Escherichia coli Release from Streambed to Water Column during Baseflow Periods: A Modeling Study
Y Park, Y Pachepsky, EM Hong, D Shelton, C Coppock
Journal of environmental quality 46 (1), 219-226, 2017
Projection of consumptive use and irrigation water for major upland crops using soil moisture model under climate change
WH Nam, EM Hong, MW Jang, JY Choi
Journal of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers 56 (5), 77-87, 2014
An integrated framework for understanding ecological drought and drought resistance
SSJ Sadiqi, EM Hong, WH Nam, T Kim
Science of The Total Environment, 157477, 2022
Uncertainty of water supply in agricultural reservoirs considering the climate change
WH Nam, EM Hong, JY Choi
Journal of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers 56 (2), 11-23, 2014
Regional Climate Change Impacts on Irrigation Vulnerable Season Shifts in Agricultural Water Availability for South Korea
WH Nam, T Kim, EM Hong, JY Choi
Water 9 (10), 735, 2017
Application of evaporative stress index (ESI) for satellite-based agricultural drought monitoring in South Korea
DH Yoon, WH Nam, HJ Lee, EM Hong, T Kim, DE Kim, AK Shin, ...
Journal of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers 60 (6), 121-131, 2018
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مقالات 1–20