Lars Bollen
Lars Bollen
University of Twente
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Learning by creating and exchanging objects: The SCY experience
T De Jong, WR Van Joolingen, A Giemza, I Girault, U Hoppe, ...
British Journal of Educational Technology 41 (6), 909-921, 2010
Computational thinking in primary school: An examination of abstraction and decomposition in different age groups
WJ Rijke, L Bollen, THS Eysink, JLJ Tolboom
Informatics in education 17 (1), 77-92, 2018
SMS-based discussions-technology enhanced collaboration for a literature course
L Bollen, S Eimler, HU Hoppe
The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in …, 2004
Towards an online lab portal for inquiry-based stem learning at school
S Govaerts, Y Cao, A Vozniuk, A Holzer, DG Zutin, ESC Ruiz, L Bollen, ...
Advances in Web-Based Learning–ICWL 2013: 12th International Conference …, 2013
State of the art of interaction analysis for Metacognitive Support & Diagnosis
A Dimitrakopoulou, A Petrou, A Martinez, JA Marcos, V Kollias, P Jermann, ...
Collaborative drawing on a shared digital canvas in elementary science education: The effects of script and task awareness support
H Gijlers, A Weinberger, AM van Dijk, L Bollen, W van Joolingen
International journal of computer-supported collaborative learning 8, 427-453, 2013
Creating cognitive tutors for collaborative learning: steps toward realization
A Harrer, BM McLaren, E Walker, L Bollen, J Sewall
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 16, 175-209, 2006
Bootstrapping Novice Data: Semi-automated tutor authoring using student log files
BM McLaren, KR Koedinger, M Schneider, A Harrer, L Bollen
Carnegie Mellon University, 2004
Improving the quality of vocational students’ collaboration and knowledge acquisition through instruction and joint reflection
EH Eshuis, J Ter Vrugte, A Anjewierden, L Bollen, J Sikken, T De Jong
International journal of computer-supported collaborative learning 14, 53-76, 2019
Group-oriented modelling tools with heterogeneous semantics
N Pinkwart, HU Hoppe, L Bollen, E Fuhlrott
International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 21-30, 2002
SimSketch: Multiagent simulations based on learner-created sketches for early science education
L Bollen, WR Van Joolingen
IEEE transactions on learning technologies 6 (3), 208-216, 2013
Scaffolding learning by modelling: The effects of partially worked‐out models
YG Mulder, L Bollen, T de Jong, AW Lazonder
Journal of research in science teaching 53 (3), 502-523, 2016
Understanding elementary astronomy by making drawing-based models
WR Van Joolingen, AVA Aukes, H Gijlers, L Bollen
Journal of Science Education and Technology 24, 256-264, 2015
Using self‐made drawings to support modelling in science education
FAJ Leenaars, WR van Joolingen, L Bollen
British journal of educational technology 44 (1), 82-94, 2013
LEMONADE: a flexible authoring tool for integrated mobile learning scenarios
A Giemza, L Bollen, P Seydel, A Overhagen, HU Hoppe
2010 6th IEEE International Conference on Wireless, Mobile, and Ubiquitous …, 2010
Validating and optimizing the effects of model progression in simulation-based inquiry learning
YG Mulder, AW Lazonder, T de Jong, A Anjewierden, L Bollen
Journal of Science Education and Technology 21, 722-729, 2012
Learning to program with COALA, a distributed computer assisted environment
F Jurado, AI Molina, MA Redondo, M Ortega, A Giemza, L Bollen, ...
Journal of Universal Computer Science 15 (7), 1472-1485, 2009
PDAs as input devices in brainstorming and creative discussions
L Bollen, G Juarez, M Westermann, HU Hoppe
2006 Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous …, 2006
Collaborative modelling in group learning environments
L Bollen, HU Hoppe, M Milrad, N Pinkwart
Proceedings of the XX International Conference of the System Dynamics …, 2002
Cognitive tutoring of collaboration: Developmental and empirical steps towards realization
BM McLaren, L Bollen, E Walker, A Harrer, J Sewall
Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2005, 418-422, 2017
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مقالات 1–20