Gabor Horvath
Gabor Horvath
أسماء أخرىGábor Horváth, Horváth Gábor
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Polarized light in animal vision: polarization patterns in nature
G Horváth, D Varjú
Springer Science & Business Media, 2004
Polarized light pollution: a new kind of ecological photopollution
G Horváth, G Kriska, P Malik, B Robertson
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7 (6), 317-325, 2009
Why Do Mayflies Lay Their Eggs En Masse on Dry Asphalt Roads? Water-Imitating Polarized Light Reflected From Asphalt Attracts Ephemeroptera
G Kriska, G Horváth, S Andrikovics
Journal of Experimental Biology 201 (15), 2273-2286, 1998
How the clear-sky angle of polarization pattern continues underneath clouds: full-sky measurements and implications for animal orientation
I Pomozi, G Horváth, R Wehner
Journal of Experimental Biology 204 (17), 2933-2942, 2001
Polarized light and polarization vision in animal sciences
A Lerner, N Shashar
Springer 2, 5, 2014
Reducing the maladaptive attractiveness of solar panels to polarotactic insects
G Horváth, M Blahó, Á Egri, G Kriska, I Seres, B Robertson
Conservation Biology 24 (6), 1644-1653, 2010
How well does the Rayleigh model describe the E-vector distribution of skylight in clear and cloudy conditions? A full-sky polarimetric study
B Suhai, G Horváth
Journal of the Optical Society of America A 21 (9), 1669-1676, 2004
Polarization patterns of thick clouds: overcast skies have distribution of the angle of polarization similar to that of clear skies
R Hegedüs, S Åkesson, G Horváth
Journal of the Optical Society of America A 24 (8), 2347-2356, 2007
Could Vikings have navigated under foggy and cloudy conditions by skylight polarization? On the atmospheric optical prerequisites of polarimetric Viking navigation under foggy …
R Hegedüs, S Åkesson, R Wehner, G Horváth
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2007
Polarization pattern of freshwater habitats recorded by video polarimetry in red, green and blue spectral ranges and its relevance for water detection by aquatic insects
G Horváth, D Varjú
Journal of Experimental Biology 200 (7), 1155-1163, 1997
Ventral polarization vision in tabanids: horseflies and deerflies (Diptera: Tabanidae) are attracted to horizontally polarized light
G Horváth, J Majer, L Horváth, I Szivák, G Kriska
Naturwissenschaften 95, 1093-1100, 2008
Ground-based full-sky imaging polarimetry of rapidly changing skies and its use for polarimetric cloud detection
G Horvath, A Barta, J Gal, B Suhai, O Haiman
Applied optics 41 (3), 543-559, 2002
Polarotactic tabanids find striped patterns with brightness and/or polarization modulation least attractive: an advantage of zebra stripes
Á Egri, M Blahó, G Kriska, R Farkas, M Gyurkovszky, S Åkesson, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 215 (5), 736-745, 2012
Degrees of polarization of reflected light eliciting polarotaxis in dragonflies (Odonata), mayflies (Ephemeroptera) and tabanid flies (Tabanidae)
G Kriska, B Bernath, R Farkas, G Horvath
Journal of Insect Physiology 55 (12), 1167-1173, 2009
The eyes of trilobites: the oldest preserved visual system
E Clarkson, R Levi-Setti, G Horváth
Arthropod Structure & Development 35 (4), 247-259, 2006
Why do red and dark-coloured cars lure aquatic insects? The attraction of water insects to car paintwork explained by reflection–polarization signals
G Kriska, Z Csabai, P Boda, P Malik, G Horvath
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273 (1594), 1667-1671, 2006
An unexpected advantage of whiteness in horses: the most horsefly-proof horse has a depolarizing white coat
G Horvath, M Blaho, G Kriska, R Hegedüs, B Gerics, R Farkas, S Åkesson
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277 (1688), 1643-1650, 2010
Polarization patterns of the summer sky and its neutral points measured by full–sky imaging polarimetry in Finnish Lapland north of the Arctic Circle
J Gál, G Horváth, VB Meyer-Rochow, R Wehner
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2001
Dragonflies find crude oil visually more attractive than water: multiple-choice experiments on dragonfly polarotaxis
G Horváth, B Bernáth, G Molnár
Naturwissenschaften 85, 292-297, 1998
Why is it advantageous for animals to detect celestial polarization in the ultraviolet? Skylight polarization under clouds and canopies is strongest in the UV
A Barta, G Horváth
Journal of Theoretical Biology 226 (4), 429-437, 2004
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مقالات 1–20