Michael McConney
Michael McConney
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Voxelated liquid crystal elastomers
TH Ware, ME McConney, JJ Wie, VP Tondiglia, TJ White
Science 347 (6225), 982-984, 2015
Acoustically actuated ultra-compact NEMS magnetoelectric antennas
T Nan, H Lin, Y Gao, A Matyushov, G Yu, H Chen, N Sun, S Wei, Z Wang, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 296, 2017
Dynamic color in stimuli-responsive cholesteric liquid crystals
TJ White, ME McConney, TJ Bunning
Journal of Materials Chemistry 20 (44), 9832-9847, 2010
Topography from topology: photoinduced surface features generated in liquid crystal polymer networks
ME McConney, A Martinez, VP Tondiglia, KM Lee, D Langley, II Smalyukh, ...
Advanced Materials 25 (41), 5880-5885, 2013
Probing soft matter with the atomic force microscopies: imaging and force spectroscopy
ME McConney, S Singamaneni, VV Tsukruk
Polymer Reviews 50 (3), 235-286, 2010
Continuous ultra-thin MoS2 films grown by low-temperature physical vapor deposition
C Muratore, JJ Hu, B Wang, MA Haque, JE Bultman, ML Jespersen, ...
Applied Physics Letters 104 (26), 2014
Hydrogel‐encapsulated microfabricated haircells mimicking fish cupula neuromast
S Peleshanko, MD Julian, M Ornatska, ME McConney, MC LeMieux, ...
Advanced materials 19 (19), 2903-2909, 2007
Enhancing UV photoconductivity of ZnO nanobelt by polyacrylonitrile functionalization
JH He, YH Lin, ME McConney, VV Tsukruk, ZL Wang, G Bao
Journal of Applied Physics 102 (8), 2007
Biologically inspired design of hydrogel-capped hair sensors for enhanced underwater flow detection
ME McConney, N Chen, D Lu, HA Hu, S Coombs, C Liu, VV Tsukruk
Soft matter 5 (2), 292-295, 2009
Amorphous boron nitride: a universal, ultrathin dielectric for 2D nanoelectronics
NR Glavin, C Muratore, ML Jespersen, J Hu, PT Hagerty, AM Hilton, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 26 (16), 2640-2647, 2016
Color-tunable mirrors based on electrically regulated bandwidth broadening in polymer-stabilized cholesteric liquid crystals
KM Lee, VP Tondiglia, ME McConney, LV Natarajan, TJ Bunning, ...
Acs Photonics 1 (10), 1033-1041, 2014
Contactless, photoinitiated snap-through in azobenzene-functionalized polymers
MR Shankar, ML Smith, VP Tondiglia, KM Lee, ME McConney, DH Wang, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (47), 18792-18797, 2013
Polymeric nanolayers as actuators for ultrasensitive thermal bimorphs
MC LeMieux, ME McConney, YH Lin, S Singamaneni, H Jiang, ...
Nano letters 6 (4), 730-734, 2006
Bioinspired material approaches to sensing
ME McConney, KD Anderson, LL Brott, RR Naik, VV Tsukruk
Advanced Functional Materials 19 (16), 2527-2544, 2009
Thermally induced, multicolored hyper‐reflective cholesteric liquid crystals
ME McConney, VP Tondiglia, JM Hurtubise, LV Natarajan, TJ White, ...
Advanced materials 23 (12), 1453-1457, 2011
Coexistence of low damping and strong magnetoelastic coupling in epitaxial spinel ferrite thin films
S Emori, BA Gray, HM Jeon, J Peoples, M Schmitt, K Mahalingam, M Hill, ...
Advanced Materials 29 (34), 1701130, 2017
Visible‐light‐driven halogen bond donor based molecular switches: from reversible unwinding to handedness inversion in self‐organized soft helical superstructures
H Wang, HK Bisoyi, BX Li, ME McConney, TJ Bunning, Q Li
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59 (7), 2684-2687, 2020
Bandwidth broadening induced by ionic interactions in polymer stabilized cholesteric liquid crystals
VP Tondiglia, LV Natarajan, CA Bailey, ME McConney, KM Lee, ...
Optical Materials Express 4 (7), 1465-1472, 2014
Electrically induced color changes in polymer-stabilized cholesteric liquid crystals
ME McConney, VP Tondiglia, LV Natarajan, KM Lee, TJ White, ...
Adv. Opt. Mater 1 (6), 417-421, 2013
Advances in transparent planar optics: enabling large aperture, ultrathin lenses
NV Tabiryan, DE Roberts, Z Liao, JY Hwang, M Moran, O Ouskova, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 9 (5), 2001692, 2021
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20