Genomewide association study of severe Covid-19 with respiratory failure Severe Covid-19 GWAS Group New England Journal of Medicine 383 (16), 1522-1534, 2020 | 2042 | 2020 |
An event study of COVID-19 central bank quantitative easing in advanced and emerging economies A Rebucci, JS Hartley, D Jiménez Essays in honor of M. Hashem Pesaran: Prediction and macro modeling, 291-322, 2022 | 259 | 2022 |
Shipping costs and inflation Y Carrière-Swallow, P Deb, D Furceri, D Jiménez, JD Ostry Journal of International Money and Finance 130, 102771, 2023 | 144 | 2023 |
Baryon asymmetry and gravitational waves from pseudoscalar inflation D Jiménez, K Kamada, K Schmitz, XJ Xu Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2017 (12), 011, 2017 | 98 | 2017 |
Microstructural study of CO2 laser machined heat affected zone of 2024 aluminum alloy D Araujo, FJ Carpio, D Mendez, AJ Garcıa, MP Villar, R Garcıa, ... Applied surface science 208, 210-217, 2003 | 90 | 2003 |
Distribution, diversity and environmental adaptation of highland papayas (Vasconcellea spp.) in tropical and subtropical America X Scheldeman, L Willemen, G Coppens d’Eeckenbrugge, ... Plant conservation and biodiversity, 293-310, 2007 | 87 | 2007 |
Radiographic and histological evaluation of deproteinized bovine bone mineral vs. deproteinized bovine bone mineral with 10% collagen in ridge preservation. A randomized … J Nart, L Barallat, D Jimenez, J Mestres, A Gómez, MA Carrasco, ... Clinical Oral Implants Research 28 (7), 840-848, 2017 | 86 | 2017 |
Bone volume changes after immediate implant placement with or without flap elevation F Mazzocco, D Jimenez, L Barallat, G Paniz, M Del Fabbro, J Nart Clinical oral implants research 28 (4), 495-501, 2017 | 86 | 2017 |
The effects of COVID-19 vaccines on economic activity P Deb, D Furceri, D Jimenez, S Kothari, JD Ostry, N Tawk Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics 158 (1), 3, 2022 | 84 | 2022 |
Text categorization and information retrieval using wordnet senses P Rosso, E Ferretti, D Jiménez, V Vidal The Second Global Wordnet Conference GWC, 299-304, 2004 | 81 | 2004 |
Pymes y calidad 2.0 D Jimenez Recuperado el 6 (11), 2016, 2016 | 53 | 2016 |
Spatial and phylogenetic analysis of vesicular stomatitis virus over-wintering in the United States AM Perez, SJ Pauszek, D Jimenez, WN Kelley, Z Whedbee, LL Rodriguez Preventive veterinary medicine 93 (4), 258-264, 2010 | 52 | 2010 |
Herramientas digitales para la enseñanza de las matemáticas en la educación básica D Jiménez Bogotá: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. Obtenido de https://bit. ly/3baDuzR, 2019 | 51 | 2019 |
Resiliencia en adolescentes y jóvenes del programa de formación y empleo de la fundación Forge Lima Norte, 2017 D Jiménez Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, 2018 | 44 | 2018 |
Fatigue behaviour of laser machined 2024 T3 aeronautic aluminium alloy FJ Carpio, D Araújo, FJ Pacheco, D Méndez, AJ Garcı́a, MP Villar, ... Applied Surface Science 208, 194-198, 2003 | 43 | 2003 |
The projected economic impact of COVID-19 on the UK creative industries O Economics Retrieved November 12, 2021, 2020 | 40 | 2020 |
Short-term outcomes of transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization with mucopexy versus vessel-sealing device hemorrhoidectomy for grade III to IV hemorrhoids: a prospective … L Trenti, S Biondo, EK Moreno, JL Sanchez-Garcia, E Espin-Basany, ... Diseases of the Colon & Rectum 62 (8), 988-996, 2019 | 38 | 2019 |
Audio and Acoustical Response Analysis Environment (AARAE): a tool to support education and research in acoustics D Cabrera, D Jimenez, WL Martens INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON congress and conference proceedings 249 (6), 1667-1676, 2014 | 38 | 2014 |
Cultura organizacional e innovación: un estudio empírico JC Naranjo, R Sanz, D Jiménez Estableciendo puentes en una economía global 57, 2008 | 38 | 2008 |
Anapsos, an antipsoriatic drug, in atopic dermatitis. D Jimenez, R Naranjo, E Doblare, C Munoz, JF Vargas Allergologia et Immunopathologia 15 (4), 185-189, 1987 | 38 | 1987 |