Dennis Doverspike
Dennis Doverspike
Doverspike Consulting LLC
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The use of person-organization fit in employment decision making: an assessment of its criterion-related validity.
W Arthur Jr, ST Bell, AJ Villado, D Doverspike
Journal of applied psychology 91 (4), 786, 2006
Aging and the training and learning process.
HL Sterns, D Doverspike
Jossey-Bass, 1989
The quest for the qualified job surfer: It's time the public sector catches the wave
RT Cober, DJ Brown, AJ Blumental, D Doverspike, P Levy
Public Personnel Management 29 (4), 479-496, 2000
Public service motivation as a predictor of attraction to the public sector
J Carpenter, D Doverspike, RF Miguel
Journal of Vocational Behavior 80 (2), 509-523, 2012
Predicting motor vehicle crash involvement from a personality measure and a driving knowledge test
W Arthur, D Doverspike
Workplace Safety, 35-42, 2012
Retirement planning and preparation
MA Taylor, D Doverspike
Retirement: Reasons, processes, and results, 53-82, 2003
Essentials of personnel assessment and selection
S Highhouse, D Doverspike, RM Guion
Routledge, 2015
Comparison of factor structures and criterion-related validity coefficients for two measures of personality based on the five factor model.
DF Cellar, ML Miller, DD Doverspike, JD Klawsky
Journal of Applied Psychology 81 (6), 694, 1996
Cognitive lie detection: Response time and consistency of answers as cues to deception
JJ Walczyk, KT Mahoney, D Doverspike, DA Griffith-Ross
Journal of Business and Psychology 24, 33-49, 2009
Emotional labor in American professors.
KT Mahoney, WC Buboltz Jr, JE Buckner V, D Doverspike
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 16 (4), 406, 2011
Differences in self-reported work ethic across three career stages
CE Pogson, AB Cober, D Doverspike, JR Rogers
Journal of vocational behavior 62 (1), 189-201, 2003
Locus of control and auditory selective attention as predictors of driving accident involvement: A comparative longitudinal investigation
W Arthur Jr, D Doverspike
Journal of safety research 23 (2), 73-80, 1992
Responding to the challenge of a changing workforce: Recruiting nontraditional demographic groups
D Doverspike, MA Taylor, KS Shultz, PF McKay
Public Personnel Management 29 (4), 445-459, 2000
Sexual harassment in online communications: Effects of gender and discourse medium
JK Biber, D Doverspike, D Baznik, A Cober, BA Ritter
CyberPsychology & Behavior 5 (1), 33-42, 2002
The use of mobile devices in high‐stakes remotely delivered assessments and testing
W Arthur Jr, D Doverspike, GJ Muñoz, JE Taylor, AE Carr
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 22 (2), 113-123, 2014
Stereotype Threat Effects on the Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices Scores of African Americans1
PF McKay, D Doverspike, D Bowen‐Hilton, QD Martin
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 32 (4), 767-787, 2002
Individual differences in a within-subjects risky-choice framing study
KT Mahoney, W Buboltz, IP Levin, D Doverspike, DJ Svyantek
Personality and Individual Differences 51 (3), 248-257, 2011
A ten year assessment of the pre-engineering program for under-represented, low income and/or first generation college students at the University of Akron
PC Lam, T Srivatsan, D Doverspike, J Vesalo, PR Mawasha
Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research 6 (3), 2005
The validity of the Learning Style Inventory 1985 as a predictor of cognitive style and occupational preference
S Highhouse, D Doverspike
Educational and Psychological measurement 47 (3), 749-753, 1987
Performance appraisal in the training needs analysis process: a review and critique
GR Herbert, D Doverspike
Public Personnel Management 19 (3), 253-270, 1990
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مقالات 1–20