The use of person-organization fit in employment decision making: an assessment of its criterion-related validity. W Arthur Jr, ST Bell, AJ Villado, D Doverspike Journal of applied psychology 91 (4), 786, 2006 | 815 | 2006 |
Aging and the training and learning process. HL Sterns, D Doverspike Jossey-Bass, 1989 | 370 | 1989 |
The quest for the qualified job surfer: It's time the public sector catches the wave RT Cober, DJ Brown, AJ Blumental, D Doverspike, P Levy Public Personnel Management 29 (4), 479-496, 2000 | 280 | 2000 |
Public service motivation as a predictor of attraction to the public sector J Carpenter, D Doverspike, RF Miguel Journal of Vocational Behavior 80 (2), 509-523, 2012 | 222 | 2012 |
Predicting motor vehicle crash involvement from a personality measure and a driving knowledge test W Arthur, D Doverspike Workplace Safety, 35-42, 2012 | 220 | 2012 |
Retirement planning and preparation MA Taylor, D Doverspike Retirement: Reasons, processes, and results, 53-82, 2003 | 200 | 2003 |
Essentials of personnel assessment and selection S Highhouse, D Doverspike, RM Guion Routledge, 2015 | 190 | 2015 |
Comparison of factor structures and criterion-related validity coefficients for two measures of personality based on the five factor model. DF Cellar, ML Miller, DD Doverspike, JD Klawsky Journal of Applied Psychology 81 (6), 694, 1996 | 179 | 1996 |
Cognitive lie detection: Response time and consistency of answers as cues to deception JJ Walczyk, KT Mahoney, D Doverspike, DA Griffith-Ross Journal of Business and Psychology 24, 33-49, 2009 | 164 | 2009 |
Emotional labor in American professors. KT Mahoney, WC Buboltz Jr, JE Buckner V, D Doverspike Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 16 (4), 406, 2011 | 163 | 2011 |
Differences in self-reported work ethic across three career stages CE Pogson, AB Cober, D Doverspike, JR Rogers Journal of vocational behavior 62 (1), 189-201, 2003 | 161 | 2003 |
Locus of control and auditory selective attention as predictors of driving accident involvement: A comparative longitudinal investigation W Arthur Jr, D Doverspike Journal of safety research 23 (2), 73-80, 1992 | 148 | 1992 |
Responding to the challenge of a changing workforce: Recruiting nontraditional demographic groups D Doverspike, MA Taylor, KS Shultz, PF McKay Public Personnel Management 29 (4), 445-459, 2000 | 147 | 2000 |
Sexual harassment in online communications: Effects of gender and discourse medium JK Biber, D Doverspike, D Baznik, A Cober, BA Ritter CyberPsychology & Behavior 5 (1), 33-42, 2002 | 129 | 2002 |
The use of mobile devices in high‐stakes remotely delivered assessments and testing W Arthur Jr, D Doverspike, GJ Muñoz, JE Taylor, AE Carr International Journal of Selection and Assessment 22 (2), 113-123, 2014 | 103 | 2014 |
Stereotype Threat Effects on the Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices Scores of African Americans1 PF McKay, D Doverspike, D Bowen‐Hilton, QD Martin Journal of Applied Social Psychology 32 (4), 767-787, 2002 | 103 | 2002 |
Individual differences in a within-subjects risky-choice framing study KT Mahoney, W Buboltz, IP Levin, D Doverspike, DJ Svyantek Personality and Individual Differences 51 (3), 248-257, 2011 | 95 | 2011 |
A ten year assessment of the pre-engineering program for under-represented, low income and/or first generation college students at the University of Akron PC Lam, T Srivatsan, D Doverspike, J Vesalo, PR Mawasha Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research 6 (3), 2005 | 94 | 2005 |
The validity of the Learning Style Inventory 1985 as a predictor of cognitive style and occupational preference S Highhouse, D Doverspike Educational and Psychological measurement 47 (3), 749-753, 1987 | 91 | 1987 |
Performance appraisal in the training needs analysis process: a review and critique GR Herbert, D Doverspike Public Personnel Management 19 (3), 253-270, 1990 | 90 | 1990 |