Geoffrey P. Alpert
Geoffrey P. Alpert
Professor of criminology and criminal justice, university of south carolina
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Understanding the Dark Side of Policing
VE Kappeler, RD Sulder, GP Alpert
Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press, 1998
Understanding police use of force: Officers, suspects, and reciprocity
GP Alpert, RG Dunham
Cambridge University Press, 2004
A bird's eye view of civilians killed by police in 2015: Further evidence of implicit bias
J Nix, BA Campbell, EH Byers, GP Alpert
Criminology & Public Policy 16 (1), 309-340, 2017
Police suspicion and discretionary decision making during citizen stops
GP Alpert, JM MacDonald, RG Dunham
Criminology 43 (2), 407-434, 2005
Explaining police bias: A theory of social conditioning and illusory correlation
MR Smith, GP Alpert
Criminal justice and behavior 34 (10), 1262-1283, 2007
Policing urban america
GP Alpert, RG Dunham
Waveland Press, 1988
Critical issues in policing: Contemporary readings
RG Dunham, GP Alpert, KD McLean
Waveland Press, 2020
How reasonable is the reasonable man: Police and excessive force
GP Alpert, WC Smith
J. Crim. L. & Criminology 85, 481, 1994
Police use of force: An analysis of organizational characteristics
GP Alpert, JM MacDonald
Justice quarterly 18 (2), 393-409, 2001
Police research, officer surveys, and response rates
J Nix, JT Pickett, H Baek, GP Alpert
Policing and society 29 (5), 530-550, 2019
The force factor: Measuring police use of force relative to suspect resistance
GP Alpert, RG Dunham
Police Executive Research Forum, 1997
Neighborhood differences in attitudes toward policing: Evidence for a mixed-strategy model of policing in a multi-ethnic setting
RG Dunham, GP Alpert
J. Crim. L. & Criminology 79, 504, 1988
Investigating racial profiling by the Miami‐Dade Police Department: A multimethod approach
GP Alpert, RG Dunham, MR Smith
Criminology & public policy 6 (1), 25-55, 2007
Police officers as warriors or guardians: Empirical reality or intriguing rhetoric?
K McLean, SE Wolfe, J Rojek, GP Alpert, MR Smith
Justice quarterly 37 (6), 1096-1118, 2020
Measuring Police Performance in the New Paradigm of Policing”
MH Moore, GP Alpert
Performance Measures for the Criminal Justice System, 0
Interactive police-citizen encounters that result in force
GP Alpert, RG Dunham, JM MacDonald
Police quarterly 7 (4), 475-488, 2004
Police discretionary behavior
LW Brooks, R Dunham, G Alpert
Critical issues in policing: Contemporary readings, 122-142, 2015
Can you build a better cop? Experimental evidence on supervision, training, and policing in the community
E Owens, D Weisburd, KL Amendola, GP Alpert
Criminology & Public Policy 17 (1), 41-87, 2018
Police vehicles and firearms: Instruments of deadly force
GP Alpert, LA Fridell
Waveland Press, 1992
Working with high-risk youth in prevention and early intervention programs: Toward a comprehensive wellness model
RC Mills, RG Dunham, GP Alpert
Adolescence 23 (91), 643, 1988
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مقالات 1–20