Jie Chen
Jie Chen
Full professor in Physics, Tongji University
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على tongji.edu.cn - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Thermal conductivity of polymers and their nanocomposites
X Xu, J Chen, J Zhou, B Li
Advanced Materials 30 (17), 1705544, 2018
Interfacial thermal resistance: Past, present, and future
J Chen, X Xu, J Zhou, B Li
Reviews of Modern Physics 94 (2), 025002, 2022
Experimental study of thermal rectification in suspended monolayer graphene
H Wang, S Hu, K Takahashi, X Zhang, H Takamatsu, J Chen
Nature Communications 8, 15843, 2017
A review of Simulation Methods in Micro/Nanoscale Heat Conduction
H Bao, J Chen, X Gu, B Cao
ES Energy & Environment 1, 16-55, 2018
Size-dependent phononic thermal transport in low-dimensional nanomaterials
Z Zhang, Y Ouyang, Y Cheng, J Chen, N Li, G Zhang
Physics Reports 860, 1-26, 2020
Substrate coupling suppresses size dependence of thermal conductivity in supported graphene
J Chen, G Zhang, B Li
Nanoscale 5 (2), 532-536, 2013
Kapitza Resistance between Few-Layer Graphene and Water: Liquid Layering Effects
D Alexeev, J Chen, J Walther, K Giapis, P Angelikopoulos, ...
Nano Letters 15 (9), 5744-5749, 2015
Remarkable reduction of thermal conductivity in silicon nanotubes
J Chen, G Zhang, B Li
Nano letters 10 (10), 3978-3983, 2010
Thermal Transport in Conductive Polymer–Based Materials
X Xu, J Zhou, J Chen
Advanced Functional Materials 30, 1904704, 2020
Tailoring the thermal and mechanical properties of graphene film by structural engineering
N Wang, MK Samani, H Li, L Dong, Z Zhang, P Su, S Chen, J Chen, ...
Small 14 (29), 1801346, 2018
Thermal contact resistance across nanoscale silicon dioxide and silicon interface
J Chen, G Zhang, B Li
Journal of Applied Physics 112 (6), 064319, 2012
Tunable thermal conductivity of Si1− xGex nanowires
J Chen, G Zhang, B Li
Applied Physics Letters 95 (7), 073117, 2009
Strain Engineering of Kapitza Resistance in Few-Layer Graphene
J Chen, JH Walther, P Koumoutsakos
Nano letters 14 (2), 819-825, 2014
Thermal transport in graphene with defect and doping: Phonon modes analysis
S Hu, J Chen, N Yang, B Li
Carbon 116, 139-144, 2017
Randomness-Induced Phonon Localization in Graphene Heat Conduction
S Hu, Z Zhang, P Jiang, J Chen, S Volz, M Nomura, B Li
The journal of physical chemistry letters 9 (14), 3959-3968, 2018
Phonon thermal conduction in novel 2D materials
X Xu, J Chen, B Li
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 28 (48), 483001, 2016
Impacts of atomistic coating on thermal conductivity of germanium nanowires
J Chen, G Zhang, B Li
Nano letters 12 (6), 2826-2832, 2012
Covalently Bonded Graphene–Carbon Nanotube Hybrid for High‐Performance Thermal Interfaces
J Chen, JH Walther, P Koumoutsakos
Advanced Functional Materials 25, 7539-7545, 2015
The Impact of Interlayer Rotation on Thermal Transport Across Graphene/Hexagonal Boron Nitride van der Waals Heterostructure
W Ren, Y Ouyang, P Jiang, C Yu, J He, J Chen
Nano Letters 21 (6), 2634-2641, 2021
Hexagonal boron nitride: a promising substrate for graphene with high heat dissipation
Z Zhang, S Hu, J Chen, B Li
Nanotechnology 28 (22), 225704, 2017
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مقالات 1–20