Jonathan Nassi
Jonathan Nassi
Senior Director of Translational Science, Inscopix Inc.
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Parallel processing strategies of the primate visual system
JJ Nassi, EM Callaway
Nature reviews neuroscience 10 (5), 360-372, 2009
A disynaptic relay from superior colliculus to dorsal stream visual cortex in macaque monkey
DC Lyon, JJ Nassi, EM Callaway
Neuron 65 (2), 270-279, 2010
Corticocortical feedback contributes to surround suppression in V1 of the alert primate
JJ Nassi, SG Lomber, RT Born
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (19), 8504-8517, 2013
Neuroanatomy goes viral!
JJ Nassi, CL Cepko, RT Born, KT Beier
Frontiers in neuroanatomy 9, 80, 2015
The parvocellular LGN provides a robust disynaptic input to the visual motion area MT
JJ Nassi, DC Lyon, EM Callaway
Neuron 50 (2), 319-327, 2006
Laminar organization of attentional modulation in macaque visual area V4
AS Nandy, JJ Nassi, JH Reynolds
Neuron 93 (1), 235-246, 2017
Optogenetics through windows on the brain in the nonhuman primate
O Ruiz, BR Lustig, JJ Nassi, A Cetin, JH Reynolds, TD Albright, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 110 (6), 1455-1467, 2013
Multiple circuits relaying primate parallel visual pathways to the middle temporal area
JJ Nassi, EM Callaway
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (49), 12789-12798, 2006
Optogenetic activation of normalization in alert macaque visual cortex
JJ Nassi, MC Avery, AH Cetin, AW Roe, JH Reynolds
Neuron 86 (6), 1504-1517, 2015
Segregation of feedforward and feedback projections in mouse visual cortex
VK Berezovskii, JJ Nassi, RT Born
Journal of Comparative Neurology 519 (18), 3672-3683, 2011
Specialized circuits from primary visual cortex to V2 and area MT
JJ Nassi, EM Callaway
Neuron 55 (5), 799-808, 2007
Head-mounted microendoscopic calcium imaging in dorsal premotor cortex of behaving rhesus macaque
A Bollimunta, SR Santacruz, RW Eaton, PS Xu, JH Morrison, KA Moxon, ...
Cell reports 35 (11), 2021
Corticocortical feedback increases the spatial extent of normalization
JJ Nassi, C Gómez-Laberge, G Kreiman, RT Born
Frontiers in systems neuroscience 8, 105, 2014
Miniature microscopes for manipulating and recording in vivo brain activity
AM Stamatakis, SL Resendez, KS Chen, M Favero, J Liang-Guallpa, ...
Microscopy 70 (5), 399-414, 2021
Optogenetically induced low-frequency correlations impair perception
A Nandy, JJ Nassi, MP Jadi, J Reynolds
Elife 8, e35123, 2019
Direct imaging of hippocampal epileptiform calcium motifs following kainic acid administration in freely behaving mice
TK Berdyyeva, EP Frady, JJ Nassi, L Aluisio, Y Cherkas, S Otte, RM Wyatt, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 10, 53, 2016
Calcium imaging in freely moving mice during electrical stimulation of deep brain structures
JK Trevathan, AJ Asp, EN Nicolai, JM Trevathan, NA Kremer, TDY Kozai, ...
Journal of neural engineering 18 (2), 026008, 2021
Bottom-up and top-down input augment the variability of cortical neurons
C Gomez-Laberge, A Smolyanskaya, JJ Nassi, G Kreiman, RT Born
Neuron 91 (3), 540-547, 2016
Mechanisms underlying reshuffling of visual responses by optogenetic stimulation in mice and monkeys
A Sanzeni, A Palmigiano, TH Nguyen, J Luo, JJ Nassi, JH Reynolds, ...
Neuron 111 (24), 4102-4115. e9, 2023
In vivo calcium imaging reveals that cortisol treatment reduces the number of place cells in Thy1-GCaMP6f transgenic mice
T Indersmitten, MJ Schachter, S Young, N Welty, S Otte, JJ Nassi, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 13, 437282, 2019
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مقالات 1–20