Mohammad Esmaeil Nazari
Mohammad Esmaeil Nazari
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Examination of energy price policies in Iran for optimal configuration of CHP and CCHP systems based on particle swarm optimization algorithm
SG Tichi, MM Ardehali, ME Nazari
Energy Policy 38 (10), 6240-6250, 2010
Pumped-storage unit commitment with considerations for energy demand, economics, and environmental constraints
ME Nazari, MM Ardehali, S Jafari
Energy 35 (10), 4092-4101, 2010
Profit-Based Unit Commitment of Integrated CHP-Thermal-Heat Only Units in Energy and Spinning Reserve Markets with Considerations for Environmental CO2 Emission Cost and Valve …
ME Nazari, MM Ardehali
Energy, 2017
Optimal coordination of renewable wind and pumped storage with thermal power generation for maximizing economic profit with considerations for environmental emission based on …
ME Nazari, MM Ardehali
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 8 (6), 2016
Economic environmental unit commitment for integrated CCHP-thermal-heat only system with considerations for valve-point effect based on a heuristic optimization algorithm
J Olamaei, ME Nazari, S Bahravar
Energy 159, 737-750, 2018
Combined cooling, heating, and power system optimal pricing for electricity and natural gas using particle swarm optimization based on bi-level programming approach: Case study …
MB Tookanlou, MM Ardehali, ME Nazari
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 23, 417-430, 2015
Optimal bidding strategy for a GENCO in day-ahead energy and spinning reserve markets with considerations for coordinated wind-pumped storage-thermal system and CO2 emission
ME Nazari, MM Ardehali
Energy Strategy Reviews 26, 100405, 2019
The simultaneous impacts of seasonal weather and solar conditions on PV panels electrical characteristics
MZ Farahmand, ME Nazari, S Shamlou, M Shafie-khah
Energies 14 (4), 845, 2021
Optimal sizing of an autonomous hybrid PV-wind system considering battery and diesel generator
MZ Farahmand, ME Nazari, S Shamlou
2017 Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 1048-1053, 2017
Optimal tilt angle and orientation for solar collectors in Iran
F Safdarian, ME Nazari
2015 IEEE 10th International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical …, 2015
A new approach for solving profit-based unit commitment problem in competitive electricity market
MJ Sirizi, MM Ardehali, ME Nazari
International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE) 5 (3), 1307-1316, 2010
A new approach for global optimization in high dimension problems
S Jafari, HR Abdolmohammadi, ME Nazari, HA Shayanfar
2008 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting-Conversion and Delivery …, 2008
A novel optimization methodology for multi-constraint unit commitment of thermal generating units with considerations for hydro pumped energy Storage
ME Nazari, MM Ardehali, S Jafari
International Review of Automatic Control 3 (2), 209-218, 2010
Development of New Approaches for Applying Genetic Algorithm to Unit Commitment and Economic Dispatch Problems
ME Nazari, MM Ardehali, S Jafari, HR Abdolmohammadi
2nd Cngress on Fuzzy and Intellignet Systems, 2008
Optimal sizing of hybrid PV/T-fuel cell CHP system using a heuristic optimization algorithm
F Bernoosi, ME Nazari
2019 International Power System Conference (PSC) (IEEE indexed), 2019
A bio-inspired Genetic algorithm applied to a constrained optimization problem in power systems
HR Abdolmohammadi, S Jafari, MR Rajati, ME Nazari
Fuzzy Intelli Syst Con, 1-6, 2007
A Bio-inspired Evolutionary Algorithm for Combined Heat and Power Economic Dispatch Problems
HR Abdolmohammadi, S Jafari, ME Nazari, HA Shayanfar
2nd Cngress on Fuzzy and Intellignet Systems, 2008
Optimal Sizing of a Solar-Thermal Collector for Residential Applications Using Gravitational Search Algorithm
F Safdarian, ME Nazari
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation 2 (11), 497-504, 2015
Effect of storage options on price‐based scheduling for a hybrid trigeneration system
ME Nazari, S Bahravar, J Olamaei
International Journal of Energy Research 44 (9), 7342-7356, 2020
The Effects of PV/T Utilization on Short-Term Scheduling of Integrated Distributed CHP System
M Namnabat, ME Nazari
Electrical power distribution conference, 2019
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مقالات 1–20