Eric van Oort
Eric van Oort
Professor & Richard B. Curran Centennial Chair in Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على austin.utexas.edu
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
On the physical and chemical stability of shales
E van Oort
journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 38 (3-4), 213-235, 2003
The swelling of clays: molecular simulations of the hydration of montmorillonite
S Karaborni, B Smit, W Heidug, J Urai, E Van Oort
Science 271 (5252), 1102-1104, 1996
Transport in shales and the design of improved water-based shale drilling fluids
E van Oort, AH Hale, FK Mody, S Roy
SPE drilling & completion 11 (03), 137-146, 1996
Optically detected spin coherence of the diamond NV centre in its triplet ground state
E Van Oort, NB Manson, M Glasbeek
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 21 (23), 4385, 1988
Avoiding losses in depleted and weak zones by constantly strengthening wellbores
E Van Oort, J Friedheim, T Pierce, J Lee
SPE Drilling & Completion 26 (04), 519-530, 2011
Electric-field-induced modulation of spin echoes of NV centers in diamond
E Van Oort, M Glasbeek
Chemical Physics Letters 168 (6), 529-532, 1990
Impairment by suspended solids invasion: testing and prediction
E Oort, JFG Van Velzen, K Leerlooijer
SPE Production & Facilities 8 (03), 178-184, 1993
Stabilizing the wellbore to prevent lost circulation
J Cook, F Growcock, Q Guo, M Hodder, E van Oort
Oilfield Review 23 (4), 26-35, 2011
Physico-chemical stabilization of shales
E Van Oort
SPE International Conference on Oilfield Chemistry?, SPE-37263-MS, 1997
A novel technique for the investigation of drilling fluid induced borehole instability in shales
E van Oort
SPE/ISRM Rock Mechanics in Petroleum Engineering, SPE-28064-MS, 1994
New flat-rheology synthetic-based mud for improved deepwater drilling
E Van Oort, J Lee, J Friedheim, B Toups
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-90987-MS, 2004
Manipulation of coupled osmotic flows for stabilisation of shales exposed to water-based drilling fluids
E van Oort, AH Hale, FK Mody
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-30499-MS, 1995
Barite sag: measurement, modeling, and management
PA Bern, E van Oort, B Neustadt, H Ebeltoft, C Zurdo, M Zamora, ...
SPE Drilling & Completion 15 (01), 25-30, 2000
Critical parameters in modelling the chemical aspects of borehole stability in shales and in designing improved water-based shale drilling fluids
E van Oort, AH Hale, FK Mody, S Roy
Drilling and general petroleum engineering, 1994
Silicate-based drilling fluids: competent, cost-effective and benign solutions to wellbore stability problems
E Van Oort, D Ripley, I Ward, JW Chapman, R Williamson, M Aston
SPE/IADC Drilling Conference and Exhibition, SPE-35059-MS, 1996
Optimum particle size distribution design for lost circulation control and wellbore strengthening
O Razavi, AK Vajargah, E van Oort, M Aldin, S Govindarajan
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 35, 836-850, 2016
Low salinity polyglycol water-based drilling fluids as alternatives to oil-based muds
RG Bland, GL Smith, P Eagark
SPE/IADC Drilling Conference and Exhibition, SPE-29378-MS, 1995
TAME: A new concept in water-based drilling fluids for shales
JD Downs, E Van Oort, DI Redman, D Ripley, B Rothmann
SPE Offshore Europe Conference and Exhibition, SPE-26699-MS, 1993
Early kick detection and well control decision-making for managed pressure drilling automation
AK Vajargah, E van Oort
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 27, 354-366, 2015
Low-field optically detected magnetic resonance of a coupled triplet-doublet defect pair in diamond
E van Oort, P Stroomer, M Glasbeek
Physical Review B 42 (13), 8605, 1990
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مقالات 1–20