Stephen P Charles
Stephen P Charles
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Guidelines for use of climate scenarios developed from statistical downscaling methods
RL Wilby, SP Charles, E Zorita, B Timbal, P Whetton, LO Mearns
Supporting material of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change …, 2004
A non-homogeneous hidden Markov model for precipitation occurrence
JP Hughes, P Guttorp, SP Charles
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics 48 (1 …, 1999
A two‐parameter climate elasticity of streamflow index to assess climate change effects on annual streamflow
G Fu, SP Charles, FHS Chiew
Water Resources Research 43 (11), 2007
Key findings from the Indian Ocean Climate Initiative and their impact on policy development in Australia
BC Bates, P Hope, B Ryan, I Smith, S Charles
Climatic Change 89 (3), 339-354, 2008
Validation of downscaling models for changed climate conditions: case study of southwestern Australia
SP Charles, BC Bates, PH Whetton, JP Hughes
Climate Research 12 (1), 1-14, 1999
A spatiotemporal model for downscaling precipitation occurrence and amounts
SP Charles, BC Bates, JP Hughes
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 104 (D24), 31657-31669, 1999
Statistical downscaling of daily precipitation from observed and modelled atmospheric fields
SP Charles, BC Bates, IN Smith, JP Hughes
Hydrological Processes 18 (8), 1373-1394, 2004
Climate change and runoff in south-western Australia
RP Silberstein, SK Aryal, J Durrant, M Pearcey, M Braccia, SP Charles, ...
Journal of Hydrology 475, 441-455, 2012
Comparison of runoff modelled using rainfall from different downscaling methods for historical and future climates
FHS Chiew, DGC Kirono, DM Kent, AJ Frost, SP Charles, B Timbal, ...
Journal of Hydrology 387 (1-2), 10-23, 2010
A critical overview of pan evaporation trends over the last 50 years
G Fu, SP Charles, J Yu
Climatic change 97 (1), 193-214, 2009
Decadal climatic variability, trends, and future scenarios for the North China Plain
G Fu, SP Charles, J Yu, C Liu
Journal of Climate 22 (8), 2111-2123, 2009
Stochastic downscaling of numerical climate model simulations
BC Bates, SP Charles, JP Hughes
Environmental Modelling & Software 13 (3-4), 325-331, 1998
A comparison of multi-site daily rainfall downscaling techniques under Australian conditions
AJ Frost, SP Charles, B Timbal, FHS Chiew, R Mehrotra, KC Nguyen, ...
Journal of Hydrology 408 (1-2), 1-18, 2011
Impacts of climate variability on stream‐flow in the Yellow River
G Fu, SP Charles, NR Viney, S Chen, JQ Wu
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 21 (25), 3431-3439, 2007
Differences in future recharge estimates due to GCMs, downscaling methods and hydrological models
RS Crosbie, WR Dawes, SP Charles, FS Mpelasoka, S Aryal, O Barron, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (11), 2011
A score‐based method for assessing the performance of GCMs: A case study of southeastern Australia
G Fu, Z Liu, SP Charles, Z Xu, Z Yao
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (10), 4154-4167, 2013
Potential climate change impacts on groundwater resources of south-western Australia
R Ali, D McFarlane, S Varma, W Dawes, I Emelyanova, G Hodgson, ...
Journal of Hydrology 475, 456-472, 2012
Evaluation of two statistical downscaling models for daily precipitation over an arid basin in China
Z Liu, Z Xu, SP Charles, G Fu, L Liu
International Journal of Climatology 31 (13), 2006-2020, 2011
An assessment of the climate change impacts on groundwater recharge at a continental scale using a probabilistic approach with an ensemble of GCMs
RS Crosbie, T Pickett, FS Mpelasoka, G Hodgson, SP Charles, OV Barron
Climatic Change 117, 41-53, 2013
Physically based simulation of potential effects of carbon dioxide–altered climates on groundwater recharge
TR Green, BC Bates, SP Charles, PM Fleming
Vadose Zone Journal 6 (3), 597-609, 2007
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مقالات 1–20