Carmen Dayrell
Carmen Dayrell
Professor de Estudos da Tradução, UNINOVE
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Development of the multilingual semantic annotation system
SSL Piao, F Bianchi, C Dayrell, A D’egidio, P Rayson
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2015
Discourses around climate change in Brazilian newspapers: 2003–2013
C Dayrell
Discourse & Communication 13 (2), 149-171, 2019
A quantitative approach to compare collocational patterns in translated and non‑translated texts
C Dayrell
International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 12 (3), 375-414, 2007
Lexical coverage evaluation of large-scale multilingual semantic lexicons for twelve languages
S Songlin Piao, PE Rayson, D Archer, F Bianchi, C Dayrell, M El-Haj, ...
LREC 2016, Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2016
Rhetorical Move Detection in English Abstracts: Multi-label Sentence Classifiers and their Annotated Corpora.
C Dayrell, A Candido Jr, G Lima, D Machado Jr, AA Copestake, ...
LREC, 1604-1609, 2012
Mediating climate politics: The surprising case of Brazil
C Dayrell, J Urry
European Journal of Social Theory 18 (3), 257-273, 2015
Climate change in the UK press: Examining discourse fluctuation over time
M Gillings, C Dayrell
Applied Linguistics 45 (1), 111-133, 2024
Corpora no ensino do inglês acadêmico: padrões léxico-gramaticais em abstracts de pós-graduandos brasileiros
C Dayrell
Corpora no Ensino de Língua Estrangeira, 137-172, 2011
Using a comparable corpus to investigate lexical patterning in English abstracts written by non-native speakers
C Dayrell, S Aluísio
LREC 2008 Workshop on Comparable Corpora, 61-66, 2008
Investigating the preference of translators for recurrent lexical patterns: A corpus-based study
C Dayrell
Trans-kom 1 (1), 36-57, 2008
O uso de corpora para o estudo da tradução: objetivos e pressupostos
C Dayrell
Tradução em Revista 2, 87-102, 2005
Automatically detecting schematic structure components of English abstracts: building a high accuracy classifier for the task
JR Genoves, L Carlos, VD Feltrim, C Dayrell, SM Aluísio
International Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Educational …, 2007
Representation of drought events in the United Kingdom: contrasting 200 years of news texts and rainfall records
C Dayrell, C Svensson, J Hannaford, T McEnery, LJ Barker, H Baker, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 10, 760147, 2022
Sense-related verbs in English scientific abstracts: a corpus-based study of students’ writing
C Dayrell
ESP Across Cultures 6, 61-78, 2009
Working at the interface of hydrology and corpus linguistics: Using corpora to identify droughts in nineteenth-century Britain
T McEnery, H Baker, C Dayrell
Using Corpus Methods to Triangulate Linguistic Analysis, 52-84, 2019
Investigating lexical patterning in translated Brazilian Portugues: a corpus-based study
C Dayrell, M Baker
University of Manchester, 2005
Towards a corpus-based research methodology for investigating lexical patterning in translated texts
C Dayrell
Language Matters 35 (1), 70-101, 2004
Bringing Corpus Linguistics into Religious Studies: Self-representation amongst various immigrant communities with religious identity
C Dayrell, RP Chakravarthi, G Griffith-Dickson
Journal of Corpora and Discourse Studies 3, 96-121, 2020
A two-tiered approach to detecting English article usage: an application in scientific paper writing tools
L Genoves Jr., R Lizotte, E Schuster, C DAYRELL, SM Aluísio
Proceedings of the International Conference RANLP´2007, 225-239, 2007
Lexical bundles in English abstracts: A corpus-based study of published and non-native graduate writing
C Dayrell
Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics Conference 2009 (CL2009),, 392, 2009
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مقالات 1–20