Travis Labrum
Travis Labrum
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Rates of victimization of violence committed by relatives with psychiatric disorders
T Labrum, PL Solomon
Journal of Interpersonal Violence 32 (19), 2955-2974, 2017
Factors associated with family violence by persons with psychiatric disorders
T Labrum, PL Solomon
Psychiatry research 244, 171-178, 2016
Violence by persons with serious mental illness toward family caregivers and other relatives: A review
T Labrum, MA Zingman, I Nossel, L Dixon
Harvard review of psychiatry 29 (1), 10-19, 2021
Physical elder abuse perpetrated by relatives with serious mental illness: A preliminary conceptual social–ecological model
T Labrum, PL Solomon
Aggression and Violent Behavior 25, 293-303, 2015
Factors related to abuse of older persons by relatives with psychiatric disorders
T Labrum
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics 68, 126-134, 2017
Safety fears held by caregivers about relatives with psychiatric disorders
T Labrum, P Solomon
Health & Social Work 43 (3), 165-174, 2018
Physical, financial, and psychological abuse committed against older women by relatives with psychiatric disorders: Extent of the problem
T Labrum, PL Solomon, SK Bressi
Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect 27 (4-5), 377-391, 2015
Victimization and perpetration of violence involving persons with mood and other psychiatric disorders and their relatives
T Labrum, P Solomon, S Marcus
Psychiatric services 71 (5), 498-501, 2020
Elder mistreatment perpetrators with substance abuse and/or mental health conditions: Results from the National Elder Mistreatment Study
T Labrum, PL Solomon
Psychiatric quarterly 89, 117-128, 2018
Functional family therapy for families of youth (age 11–18) with behaviour problems: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
JH Littell, TD Pigott, KH Nilsen, J Roberts, TK Labrum
Campbell systematic reviews 19 (3), e1324, 2023
Caregiving for relatives with psychiatric disorders vs. co-occurring psychiatric and substance use disorders
T Labrum
Psychiatric Quarterly 89, 631-644, 2018
Measuring limit-setting practices used by family members towards relatives with psychiatric disorders
T Labrum, M Walk, PL Solomon
Psychiatric Quarterly 87, 465-477, 2016
Perceived isolation among family caregivers of people with mental illness
T Labrum, CE Newhill
Social Work 66 (3), 245-253, 2021
Community behavioral health service use and criminal recidivism of people with mental, substance use, and co-occurring disorders
LA Jacobs, Z Branson, CG Greeno, JL Skeem, T Labrum
Psychiatric services 73 (12), 1397-1400, 2022
Family conflict and violence by persons with serious mental illness: how clinicians can intervene during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond
T Labrum, C Newhill, P Simonsson, AT Flores
Clinical social work journal 50 (1), 102-111, 2022
Serious mental illness and incidents between adult children and parents responded to by police
T Labrum, P Solomon
Psychological medicine 52 (1), 102-111, 2022
Characteristics associated with family money management for persons with psychiatric disorders
T Labrum
Journal of Mental Health 27 (6), 504-510, 2018
Risk factors for criminal recidivism among persons with serious psychiatric diagnoses: Disentangling what matters for whom
LA Jacobs, A Fixler, T Labrum, A Givens, C Newhill
Frontiers in Psychiatry 12, 778399, 2021
Persons with serious mental illness help relatives: rates and correlates of assistance
T Labrum
Journal of Mental Health 29 (3), 328-335, 2020
Stigma contributes to the risk of violence by persons with mental illness
T Labrum, P Simonsson, PL Solomon
Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health 5, 209-212, 2018
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مقالات 1–20