Janaka Ruwanpura
Janaka Ruwanpura
Professor and Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President Research (International), University of
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Carpentry workers issues and efficiencies related to construction productivity in commercial construction projects in Alberta
KN Hewage, JY Ruwanpura
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 33 (8), 1075-1089, 2006
Construction productivity improvement: A study of human, management and external issues
M Liberda, J Ruwanpura, G Jergeas
Construction Research Congress: Wind of Change: Integration and Innovation, 1-8, 2003
Automatic recognition of common structural elements from point clouds for automated progress monitoring and dimensional quality control in reinforced concrete construction
R Maalek, DD Lichti, JY Ruwanpura
Remote Sensing 11 (9), 1102, 2019
Why cost and schedule overruns on mega oil sands projects?
GF Jergeas, J Ruwanpura
Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction 15 (1), 40-43, 2010
IT usage in Alberta's building construction projects: Current status and challenges
KN Hewage, JY Ruwanpura, GF Jergeas
Automation in construction 17 (8), 940-947, 2008
Development and implementation of a benchmarking and metrics program for construction performance and productivity improvement
H Nasir, CT Haas, JH Rankin, AR Fayek, D Forgues, J Ruwanpura
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 39 (9), 957-967, 2012
Application of Microsoft Kinect sensor for tracking construction workers
IPT Weerasinghe, JY Ruwanpura, JE Boyd, AF Habib
Construction Research Congress 2012: Construction Challenges in a Flat World …, 2012
Optimization of the waste management for construction projects using simulation
M Chandrakanthi, P Hettiaratchi, B Prado, JY Ruwanpura
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference 2, 1771-1777, 2002
Robust segmentation of planar and linear features of terrestrial laser scanner point clouds acquired from construction sites
R Maalek, DD Lichti, JY Ruwanpura
Sensors 18 (3), 819, 2018
Airport classification criteria based on passenger characteristics and terminal size
V Adikariwattage, AG de Barros, SC Wirasinghe, J Ruwanpura
Journal of Air Transport Management 24, 36-41, 2012
Special purpose simulation templates for tunnel construction operations
JY Ruwanpura, SM AbouRizk, KC Er, S Fernando
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 28 (2), 222-237, 2001
Optimization of traffic signal light timing using simulation
KN Hewage, JY Ruwanpura
Proceedings of the 2004 Winter Simulation Conference, 2004. 2, 1428-1433, 2004
Prediction models for sewer infrastructure utilizing rule-based simulation
J Ruwanpura*, ST Ariaratnam, A El-Assaly
Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems 21 (3), 169-185, 2004
Special purpose simulation template for utility tunnel construction
SM AbouRizk, JY Ruwanpura, KC Er, S Fernando
Proceedings of the 31st conference on Winter simulation: Simulation---a …, 1999
Evacuation behaviour of households and drivers during a tornado: Analysis based on a stated preference survey in Calgary, Canada
SW Durage, L Kattan, SC Wirasinghe, JY Ruwanpura
Natural Hazards 71, 1495-1517, 2014
Extraction of pipes and flanges from point clouds for automated verification of pre-fabricated modules in oil and gas refinery projects
R Maalek, DD Lichti, R Walker, A Bhavnani, JY Ruwanpura
Automation in Construction 103, 150-167, 2019
Optimization of overlapping activities in the design phase of construction projects
R Dehghan, K Hazini, J Ruwanpura
Automation in Construction 59, 81-95, 2015
A novel solution for construction on-site communication–the information booth
KN Hewage, JY Ruwanpura
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 36 (4), 659-671, 2009
Simulation modeling techniques for underground infrastructure construction processes
JY Ruwanpura, ST Ariaratnam
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 22 (5-6), 553-567, 2007
Review of the LEED points obtained by Canadian building projects
L Da Silva, JY Ruwanpura
Journal of Architectural Engineering 15 (2), 38-54, 2009
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مقالات 1–20