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Set-Valued Analysis 10 (2), 165-183, 2002
131 2002 Quasi-static crack propagation by Griffith's criterion M Negri, C Ortner
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 18 (11), 1895-1925, 2008
91 2008 The anisotropy introduced by the mesh in the finite element approximation of the Mumford-Shah functional M Negri
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 20 (9-10), 957-982, 1999
70 1999 Optimal rigid inclusion shapes in elastic bodies with cracks A Khludnev, M Negri
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 64, 179-191, 2013
58 2013 Crack on the boundary of a thin elastic inclusion inside an elastic body A Khludnev, M Negri
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57 2012 A finite element approximation of the Griffith’s model in fracture mechanics M Negri
Numerische Mathematik 95, 653-687, 2003
54 2003 Quasi-static rate-independent evolutions: characterization, existence, approximation and application to fracture mechanics∗ M Negri
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49 2014 Convergence of alternate minimization schemes for phase-field fracture and damage D Knees, M Negri
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47 2017 A comparative analysis on variational models for quasi-static brittle crack propagation M Negri
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31 2006 A discontinuous finite element approach for the approximation of free discontinuity problems M Negri
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27 2005 Space–time least–squares isogeometric method and efficient solver for parabolic problems M Montardini, M Negri, G Sangalli, M Tani
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24 2010 Scaling in fracture mechanics by Bažant law: From finite to linearized elasticity M Negri, R Toader
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23 2015 Numerical minimization of the Mumford–Shah functional M Negri, M Paolini
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22 2001 From rate-dependent to rate-independent brittle crack propagation M Negri
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20 2010 A unilateral -gradient flow and its quasi-static limit in phase-field fracture by an alternate minimizing movement M Negri
Advances in Calculus of Variations 12 (1), 1-29, 2019
19 * 2019 A quasi-static evolution generated by local energy minimizers for an elastic material with a cohesive interface M Negri, R Scala
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19 2017 Optimal convergence of a discontinuous-Galerkin-based immersed boundary method AJ Lew, M Negri
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