Michel A. Wattiaux
Michel A. Wattiaux
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Effect of forage-to-concentrate ratio in dairy cow diets on emission of methane, carbon dioxide, and ammonia, lactation performance, and manure excretion
MJ Aguerre, MA Wattiaux, JM Powell, GA Broderick, C Arndt
Journal of dairy science 94 (6), 3081-3093, 2011
Effect of quebracho-chestnut tannin extracts at 2 dietary crude protein levels on performance, rumen fermentation, and nitrogen partitioning in dairy cows
MJ Aguerre, MC Capozzolo, P Lencioni, C Cabral, MA Wattiaux
Journal of Dairy Science 99 (6), 4476-4486, 2016
Protein level for alfalfa and corn silage-based diets: II. Nitrogen balance and manure characteristics
MA Wattiaux, KL Karg
Journal of Dairy Science 87 (10), 3492-3502, 2004
Limit feeding of gravid Holstein heifers: Effect on growth, manure nutrient excretion, and subsequent early lactation performance
PC Hoffman, CR Simson, M Wattiaux
Journal of Dairy Science 90 (2), 946-954, 2007
Evaluation of sustainability of smallholder dairy production systems in the highlands of Mexico during the rainy season
L Fadul-Pacheco, MA Wattiaux, A Espinoza-Ortega, E Sánchez-Vera, ...
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 37 (8), 882-901, 2013
Statistical evaluation of factors and interactions affecting dairy herd improvement milk urea nitrogen in commercial Midwest dairy herds
MA Wattiaux, EV Nordheim, P Crump
Journal of dairy science 88 (8), 3020-3035, 2005
Prediction and evaluation of urine and urinary nitrogen and mineral excretion from dairy cattle
TD Nennich, JH Harrison, LM VanWieringen, NR St-Pierre, RL Kincaid, ...
Journal of dairy science 89 (1), 353-364, 2006
Protein level for alfalfa and corn silage-based diets: I. Lactational response and milk urea nitrogen
MA Wattiaux, KL Karg
Journal of Dairy Science 87 (10), 3480-3491, 2004
Evaluation of milk urea nitrogen as a management tool to reduce ammonia emissions from dairy farms
JM Powell, MA Wattiaux, GA Broderick
Journal of dairy science 94 (9), 4690-4694, 2011
Feed conversion efficiency in dairy cows: Repeatability, variation in digestion and metabolism of energy and nitrogen, and ruminal methanogens
C Arndt, JM Powell, MJ Aguerre, PM Crump, MA Wattiaux
Journal of Dairy Science 98 (6), 3938-3950, 2015
Effects of parity and supply of rumen-degraded and undegraded protein on production and nitrogen balance in Holsteins
SA Flis, MA Wattiaux
Journal of Dairy Science 88 (6), 2096-2106, 2005
Effects of dietary crude protein concentration on late-lactation dairy cow performance and indicators of nitrogen utilization
T Barros, MA Quaassdorff, MJ Aguerre, JJO Colmenero, SJ Bertics, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 100 (7), 5434-5448, 2017
Invited Review: Emission and mitigation of greenhouse gases from dairy farms: The cow, the manure, and the field
MA Wattiaux, ME Uddin, P Letelier, RD Jackson, RA Larson
Applied Animal Science 35 (2), 238-254, 2019
Performance, digestion, nitrogen balance, and emission of manure ammonia, enteric methane, and carbon dioxide in lactating cows fed diets with varying alfalfa silage-to-corn …
C Arndt, JM Powell, MJ Aguerre, MA Wattiaux
Journal of Dairy Science 98 (1), 418-430, 2015
MILK Symposium review: Sustainability of dairy production and consumption in low-income countries with emphasis on productivity and environmental impact
JM Tricarico, E Kebreab, MA Wattiaux
Journal of dairy science 103 (11), 9791-9802, 2020
Emissions of ammonia, nitrous oxide, methane, and carbon dioxide during storage of dairy cow manure as affected by dietary forage-to-concentrate ratio and crust formation
MJ Aguerre, MA Wattiaux, JM Powell
Journal of Dairy Science 95 (12), 7409-7416, 2012
Dairy diet impacts on fecal chemical properties and nitrogen cycling in soils
JM Powell, MA Wattiaux, GA Broderick, VR Moreira, MD Casler
Soil Science Society of America Journal 70 (3), 786-794, 2006
Effects of urea level and sodium DL-malate in concentrate containing high cassava chip on ruminal fermentation efficiency, microbial protein synthesis in lactating dairy cows …
S Khampa, M Wanapat, C Wachirapakorn, N Nontaso, M Wattiaux
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 19 (6), 837-844, 2006
Forage nutritive value and predicted fiber digestibility of Kernza intermediate wheatgrass in monoculture and in mixture with red clover during the first production year
JR Favre, TM Castiblanco, DK Combs, MA Wattiaux, VD Picasso
Animal Feed Science and Technology 258, 114298, 2019
Farm, household, and farmer characteristics associated with changes in management practices and technology adoption among dairy smallholders
CG Martínez-García, SJ Ugoretz, CM Arriaga-Jordán, MA Wattiaux
Tropical Animal Health and Production 47, 311-316, 2015
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مقالات 1–20