Ji Hoon Shim
Ji Hoon Shim
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Correlated Electronic Structure of
K Haule, JH Shim, G Kotliar
Physical review letters 100 (22), 226402, 2008
Peierls distortion as a route to high thermoelectric performance in In4Se3-δ crystals
JS Rhyee, KH Lee, SM Lee, E Cho, SI Kim, E Lee, YS Kwon, JH Shim, ...
Nature 459 (7249), 965-968, 2009
Large anomalous Hall current induced by topological nodal lines in a ferromagnetic van der Waals semimetal
K Kim, J Seo, E Lee, KT Ko, BS Kim, BG Jang, JM Ok, J Lee, YJ Jo, ...
Nature materials 17 (9), 794-799, 2018
Fluctuating valence in a correlated solid and the anomalous properties of δ-plutonium
JH Shim, K Haule, G Kotliar
Nature 446 (7135), 513-516, 2007
Anisotropic Dirac Fermions in a Bi Square Net of
J Park, G Lee, F Wolff-Fabris, YY Koh, MJ Eom, YK Kim, MA Farhan, YJ Jo, ...
Physical review letters 107 (12), 126402, 2011
Nearly room temperature ferromagnetism in a magnetic metal-rich van der Waals metal
J Seo, DY Kim, ES An, K Kim, GY Kim, SY Hwang, DW Kim, BG Jang, ...
Science advances 6 (3), eaay8912, 2020
Modeling the localized-to-itinerant electronic transition in the heavy fermion system CeIrIn5
JH Shim, K Haule, G Kotliar
Science 318 (5856), 1615-1617, 2007
Interlayer orientation-dependent light absorption and emission in monolayer semiconductor stacks
H Heo, JH Sung, S Cha, BG Jang, JY Kim, G Jin, D Lee, JH Ahn, MJ Lee, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7372, 2015
Persistent Charge-Density-Wave Order in Single-Layer TaSe2
H Ryu, Y Chen, H Kim, HZ Tsai, S Tang, J Jiang, F Liou, S Kahn, C Jia, ...
Nano letters 18 (2), 689-694, 2018
Electronic structure of using photoemission and x-ray absorption spectroscopy
SC Wi, JS Kang, JH Kim, SB Cho, BJ Kim, S Yoon, BJ Suh, SW Han, ...
Applied physics letters 84 (21), 4233-4235, 2004
Anisotropic Dirac electronic structures of MnBi (,Ca)
G Lee, MA Farhan, JS Kim, JH Shim
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (24), 245104, 2013
Electronic structures of antiperovskite superconductors C, and N)
JH Shim, SK Kwon, BI Min
Physical Review B 64 (18), 180510, 2001
Temperature-Dependent Fermi Surface Evolution in Heavy Fermion
HC Choi, BI Min, JH Shim, K Haule, G Kotliar
Physical review letters 108 (1), 016402, 2012
Enhancement of the Thermoelectric Figure‐of‐Merit in a Wide Temperature Range in In4Se3–xCl0.03 Bulk Crystals
JS Rhyee, K Ahn, KH Lee, HS Ji, JH Shim
Advanced Materials 23 (19), 2191-2194, 2011
Enhancing the Thermoelectric Properties of Layered Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides 2H-MQ2 (M = Mo, W; Q = S, Se, Te) by Layer Mixing: Density Functional …
C Lee, J Hong, MH Whangbo, JH Shim
Chemistry of Materials 25 (18), 3745-3752, 2013
Orbital Selective Fermi Surface Shifts and Mechanism of High Superconductivity <?format ?>in Correlated (, Na)
G Lee, HS Ji, Y Kim, C Kim, K Haule, G Kotliar, B Lee, S Khim, KH Kim, ...
Physical review letters 109 (17), 177001, 2012
Control of valley degeneracy in by layer thickness and electric field and its effect on thermoelectric properties
J Hong, C Lee, JS Park, JH Shim
Physical Review B 93 (3), 035445, 2016
Bulk-sensitive photoemission spectroscopy of double perovskites
JS Kang, JH Kim, A Sekiyama, S Kasai, S Suga, SW Han, KH Kim, T Muro, ...
Physical Review B 66 (11), 113105, 2002
Organic–inorganic hybrid perovskites ABI 3 (A= CH 3 NH 3, NH 2 CHNH 2; B= Sn, Pb) as potential thermoelectric materials: a density functional evaluation
C Lee, J Hong, A Stroppa, MH Whangbo, JH Shim
Rsc Advances 5 (96), 78701-78707, 2015
Evolution of the Kondo lattice electronic structure above the transport coherence temperature
S Jang, JD Denlinger, JW Allen, VS Zapf, MB Maple, JN Kim, BG Jang, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (38), 23467-23476, 2020
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مقالات 1–20