sermeus walter
sermeus walter
professor, Catholic University Leuven
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries: a retrospective observational study
LH Aiken, DM Sloane, L Bruyneel, K Van den Heede, P Griffiths, R Busse, ...
The lancet 383 (9931), 1824-1830, 2014
Patient safety, satisfaction, and quality of hospital care: cross sectional surveys of nurses and patients in 12 countries in Europe and the United States
LH Aiken, W Sermeus, K Van den Heede, DM Sloane, R Busse, M McKee, ...
Bmj 344, 2012
Patient empowerment, patient participation and patient-centeredness in hospital care: A concept analysis based on a literature review
EM Castro, T Van Regenmortel, K Vanhaecht, W Sermeus, A Van Hecke
Patient education and counseling 99 (12), 1923-1939, 2016
Nurses’ reports of working conditions and hospital quality of care in 12 countries in Europe
LH Aiken, DM Sloane, L Bruyneel, K Van den Heede, W Sermeus, ...
International journal of nursing studies 50 (2), 143-153, 2013
Nursing skill mix in European hospitals: cross-sectional study of the association with mortality, patient ratings, and quality of care
LH Aiken, D Sloane, P Griffiths, AM Rafferty, L Bruyneel, M McHugh, ...
BMJ quality & safety 26 (7), 559-568, 2017
Prevalence, patterns and predictors of nursing care left undone in European hospitals: results from the multicountry cross-sectional RN4CAST study
D Ausserhofer, B Zander, R Busse, M Schubert, S De Geest, AM Rafferty, ...
BMJ quality & safety 23 (2), 126-135, 2014
Systematic review: effects, design choices, and context of pay-for-performance in health care
P Van Herck, D De Smedt, L Annemans, R Remmen, MB Rosenthal, ...
BMC health services research 10, 1-13, 2010
Defining pathways
L De Bleser, R Depreitere, KDE Waele, K Vanhaecht, J Vlayen, ...
Journal of nursing management 14 (7), 553-563, 2006
Post-operative mortality, missed care and nurse staffing in nine countries: A cross-sectional study
JE Ball, L Bruyneel, LH Aiken, W Sermeus, DM Sloane, AM Rafferty, ...
International journal of nursing studies 78, 10-15, 2018
Health care professionals as second victims after adverse events: a systematic review
D Seys, AW Wu, EV Gerven, A Vleugels, M Euwema, M Panella, SD Scott, ...
Evaluation & the health professions 36 (2), 135-162, 2013
Hospital nursing, care quality, and patient satisfaction: cross-sectional surveys of nurses and patients in hospitals in China and Europe
L You, LH Aiken, DM Sloane, KE Liu, G He, Y Hu, X Jiang, X Li, X Li, H Liu, ...
International journal of nursing studies 50 (2), 154-161, 2013
Nurse forecasting in Europe (RN4CAST): Rationale, design and methodology
W Sermeus, LH Aiken, K Van den Heede, AM Rafferty, P Griffiths, ...
BMC nursing 10, 1-9, 2011
A systematic review of appraisal tools for clinical practice guidelines: multiple similarities and one common deficit
J Vlayen, B Aertgeerts, K Hannes, W Sermeus, D Ramaekers
International Journal for Quality in Health Care 17 (3), 235-242, 2005
Effects of clinical pathways in the joint replacement: a meta-analysis
A Barbieri, K Vanhaecht, P Van Herck, W Sermeus, F Faggiano, ...
BMC medicine 7, 1-11, 2009
A systematic survey instrument translation process for multi-country, comparative health workforce studies
A Squires, LH Aiken, K Van den Heede, W Sermeus, L Bruyneel, ...
International journal of nursing studies 50 (2), 264-273, 2013
The patients' perspective on fertility care: a systematic review
EAF Dancet, WLDM Nelen, W Sermeus, L De Leeuw, JAM Kremer, ...
Human reproduction update 16 (5), 467-487, 2010
Supporting involved health care professionals (second victims) following an adverse health event: a literature review
D Seys, S Scott, A Wu, E Van Gerven, A Vleugels, M Euwema, M Panella, ...
International journal of nursing studies 50 (5), 678-687, 2013
Prevalence and use of clinical pathways in 23 countries–an international survey by the European Pathway Association
K Vanhaecht, M Bollmann, K Bower, C Gallagher, A Gardini, J Guezo, ...
Journal of Integrated Care Pathways 10 (1), 28-34, 2006
An overview on the history and concept of care pathways as complex interventions
K Vanhaecht, M Panella, R Van Zelm, W Sermeus
International Journal of Care Pathways 14 (3), 117-123, 2010
The relationship between inpatient cardiac surgery mortality and nurse numbers and educational level: analysis of administrative data
K Van den Heede, E Lesaffre, L Diya, A Vleugels, SP Clarke, LH Aiken, ...
International journal of nursing studies 46 (6), 796-803, 2009
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مقالات 1–20