Angela Nievar
Angela Nievar
Visiting Faculty, Michigan State University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Using methods that matter: The impact of reflection, dialogue, and voice
P Foster-Fishman, B Nowell, Z Deacon, MA Nievar, P McCann
American journal of community psychology 36, 275-291, 2005
Preschoolers' social competence: Relations to family characteristics, teacher behaviors and classroom climate
HE Brophy-Herb, RE Lee, MA Nievar, G Stollak
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 28 (2), 134-148, 2007
A meta‐analysis of home visiting programs: Moderators of improvements in maternal behavior
MA Nievar, LA Van Egeren, S Pollard
Infant mental health Journal 31 (5), 499-520, 2010
Sensitivity as a privileged predictor of attachment: A second perspective on De Wolff and van IJzendoorn's meta‐analysis
MA Nievar, BJ Becker
Social Development 17 (1), 102-114, 2008
Attachment security among mothers and their young children living in poverty: Associations with maternal, child, and contextual characteristics
ML Diener, MA Casady, C Wright
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 49 (2), 154-182, 2003
Developmental processes in African American families: An application of McLoyd’s theoretical model
MA Nievar, T Luster
Journal of Marriage and Family 68 (2), 320-331, 2006
Maternal sensitivity and language in early childhood: A test of the transactional model
P Leigh, MA Nievar, L Nathans
Perceptual and motor skills 113 (1), 281-299, 2011
Parenting practices in preschool leading to later cognitive competence: A family stress model
MA Nievar, AK Moske, DJ Johnson, Q Chen
Early Education and Development 25 (3), 318-337, 2014
Impact of HIPPY on home learning environments of Latino families
MA Nievar, A Jacobson, Q Chen, U Johnson, S Dier
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 26 (3), 268-277, 2011
Family Advocates’ Perspectives on the Early Academic Success of Children Born to Low‐Income Adolescent Mothers
T Luster, L Bates, M Vandenbelt, M Angela Nievar
Family Relations 53 (1), 68-77, 2004
Domestic violence in Mexico: Perspectives of Mexican counselors
AE Orozco, MA Nievar, W Middlemiss
Journal of Comparative Family Studies 43 (5), 751-772, 2012
Home visiting among inner-city families: Links to early academic achievement
A Nievar, AL Brown, L Nathans, Q Chen, V Martinez-Cantu
Early education and development 29 (8), 1115-1128, 2018
Environments of physically neglected children
MA Casady, RE Lee
Psychological Reports 91 (3), 711-721, 2002
Efectos de la violencia de pareja en mujeres migrantes
LG Delgadillo Guzmán, A Vargas Cortez, Á Nievar, JF Argüello Zepeda, ...
Civilizar Ciencias Sociales y Humanas 13 (24), 103-116, 2013
Home Visiting for At-Risk Preschoolers: A Successful Model for Latino Families.
MA Nievar, A Jacobson, S Dier
Online Submission, 2008
Strengthening families through volunteerism: Integrating family volunteerism and family life education
AR Lewton, MA Nievar
Marriage & Family Review 48 (7), 689-710, 2012
Relacion enter violencia de pareja y estres parental en poblacion mexicana: Relationship among domestic violence and parental stress in Mexican population
CA Brito-Tinajero, LG Delgadillo-Guzman, A Nievar
Revista del Centro de Investigacion de la Universidad La Salle 12 (45), 91-106, 2016
Relationship among domestic violence and parental stress in Mexican population
CA Brito-Tinajero, LG Delgadillo-Guzman, A Nievar
Revista del Centro de Investigacion de la Universidad La Salle 12 (45), 91-106, 2016
Attachment Security among Families in Poverty: Maternal, Child, and Contextual Characteristics.
A Casady, M Diener, R Isabella, C Wright
A comparison of White and Hispanic women's stories of adjustment to the birth of a child
SE Pollard, MA Nievar, LL Nathans, SA Riggs
Infant Mental Health Journal 35 (3), 193-209, 2014
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مقالات 1–20