Ryan M. Rifkin
Ryan M. Rifkin
MIT, Google
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Prediction of central nervous system embryonal tumour outcome based on gene expression
SL Pomeroy, P Tamayo, M Gaasenbeek, LM Sturla, M Angelo, ...
Nature 415 (6870), 436-442, 2002
Multiclass cancer diagnosis using tumor gene expression signatures
S Ramaswamy, P Tamayo, R Rifkin, S Mukherjee, CH Yeang, M Angelo, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98 (26), 15149-15154, 2001
In defense of one-vs-all classification
R Rifkin, A Klautau
Journal of machine learning research 5 (Jan), 101-141, 2004
Regularized Least-Squares
R Rifkin, G Yeo, T Poggio
Advances in Learning Theory: Methods, Models, and Applications 190, 131, 2003
Molecular classification of multiple tumor types
CH Yeang, S Ramaswamy, P Tamayo, S Mukherjee, RM Rifkin, M Angelo, ...
ISMB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2001, 316-322, 2001
General conditions for predictivity in learning theory
T Poggio, R Rifkin, S Mukherjee, P Niyogi
Nature 428 (6981), 419-422, 2004
Estimating dataset size requirements for classifying DNA microarray data
S Mukherjee, P Tamayo, S Rogers, R Rifkin, A Engle, C Campbell, ...
Journal of computational biology 10 (2), 119-142, 2003
Learning theory: stability is sufficient for generalization and necessary and sufficient for consistency of empirical risk minimization
S Mukherjee, P Niyogi, T Poggio, R Rifkin
Advances in Computational Mathematics 25, 161-193, 2006
Everything old is new again: a fresh look at historical approaches in machine learning
RM Rifkin
MaSSachuSettS InStitute of Technology, 2002
A stochastic integer program with dual network structure and its application to the ground-holding problem
MO Ball, R Hoffman, AR Odoni, R Rifkin
Operations research 51 (1), 167-171, 2003
Improving multiclass text classification with the support vector machine
JDM Rennie, R Rifkin
Notes on regularized least squares
RM Rifkin, RA Lippert
Generating a playlist
GA Heitz III, A Berenzweig, JE Weston, RJ Weiss, SA Goldman, T Walters, ...
US Patent 10,055,493, 2018
Scalable learning of non-decomposable objectives
E Eban, M Schain, A Mackey, A Gordon, R Rifkin, G Elidan
Artificial intelligence and statistics, 832-840, 2017
Systems and methods for recognizing user speech
R Lyon, C Hughes, Y Wang, R Rifkin, P Getreuer
US Patent 10,672,387, 2020
Using the fisher kernel method for web audio classification
PJ Moreno, R Rifkin
2000 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2000
An analytical method for multiclass molecular cancer classification
R Rifkin, S Mukherjee, P Tamayo, S Ramaswamy, CH Yeang, M Angelo, ...
Siam Review 45 (4), 706-723, 2003
Musical query-by-description as a multiclass learning problem
B Whitman, R Rifkin
2002 IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing., 153-156, 2002
Synthesizing speech from text using neural networks
Y Wu, J Shen, R Pang, RJ Weiss, M Schuster, N Jaitly, Z Yang, Z Chen, ...
US Patent 10,971,170, 2021
Value Regularization and Fenchel Duality.
RM Rifkin, RA Lippert
Journal of Machine Learning Research 8 (3), 2007
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مقالات 1–20