Mehdi Ahmadi Jirdehi
Mehdi Ahmadi Jirdehi
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Energy management in microgrid based on the multi objective stochastic programming incorporating portable renewable energy resource as demand response option
VS Tabar, MA Jirdehi, R Hemmati
Energy 118, 827-839, 2017
Reliability improvement in radial electrical distribution network by optimal planning of energy storage systems
H Saboori, R Hemmati, MA Jirdehi
Energy 93, 2299-2312, 2015
Stochastic planning and scheduling of energy storage systems for congestion management in electric power systems including renewable energy resources
R Hemmati, H Saboori, MA Jirdehi
Energy 133, 380-387, 2017
Different aspects of microgrid management: A comprehensive review
MA Jirdehi, VS Tabar, S Ghassemzadeh, S Tohidi
Journal of Energy Storage 30, 101457, 2020
Multistage generation expansion planning incorporating large scale energy storage systems and environmental pollution
R Hemmati, H Saboori, MA Jirdehi
Renewable Energy 97, 636-645, 2016
Multi objective stochastic microgrid scheduling incorporating dynamic voltage restorer
MA Jirdehi, VS Tabar, R Hemmati, P Siano
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 93, 316-327, 2017
Parameters estimation of squirrel-cage induction motors using ANN and ANFIS
MA Jirdehi, A Rezaei
Alexandria Engineering Journal 55 (1), 357-368, 2016
Sustainable planning of hybrid microgrid towards minimizing environmental pollution, operational cost and frequency fluctuations
VS Tabar, MA Jirdehi, R Hemmati
Journal of Cleaner Production 203, 1187-1200, 2018
Multi-objective stochastic programming energy management for integrated INVELOX turbines in microgrids: A new type of turbines
M Shaterabadi, MA Jirdehi
Renewable Energy 145, 2754-2769, 2020
Two-level planning for coordination of energy storage systems and wind-solar-diesel units in active distribution networks
S Mahdavi, R Hemmati, MA Jirdehi
Energy 151, 954-965, 2018
Enhancement the Economical and Environmental aspects of plus-zero energy buildings integrated with INVELOX turbines
M Shaterabadi, MA Jirdehi, N Amiri, S Omidi
Renewable Energy 153, 1355-1367, 2020
Design of robust power system stabilizer based on PSO
E Babaei, S Galvani, MA Jirdehi
2009 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics & Applications 1, 325-330, 2009
Achieving a nearly zero energy structure by a novel framework including energy recovery and conversion, carbon capture and demand response
VS Tabar, MT Hagh, MA Jirdehi
Energy and Buildings 230, 110563, 2021
A new approach for probabilistic harmonic load flow in distribution systems based on data clustering
S Galvani, SR Marjani, J Morsali, MA Jirdehi
Electric Power Systems Research 176, 105977, 2019
Design and implementation of the monitoring and control systems for distribution transformer by using GSM network
M Jalilian, H Sariri, F Parandin, MM Karkhanehchi, M Hookari, MA Jirdehi, ...
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 74, 36-41, 2016
A two-stage stochastic model for security-constrained market clearing with wind power plants, storage systems and elastic demands
AR Jordehi, VS Tabar, MA Jirdehi
Journal of Energy Storage 51, 104550, 2022
Risk-aware energy management of a microgrid integrated with battery charging and swapping stations in the presence of renewable resources high penetration, crypto-currency …
MA Jirdehi, VS Tabar
Energy 263, 125719, 2023
Smart scheduling of transmission line switching: optimization of multi-objective microgrid’s day-ahead energy scheduling with considering high penetration of green energies and …
M Shaterabadi, MA Jirdehi
Electrical Engineering 103 (3), 1753–1767, 2021
A robust method for state estimation of power system with UPFC
MT Hagh, MA Jirdehi
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences 18 (4), 571-596, 2010
Incentive programs caused by the carbon capture utilization and storage technology profit's effect: optimal configuration and energy planning of hybrid microgrid involving …
MA Jirdehi, M Shaterabadi
Energy Technology 8 (10), 2000398, 2020
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مقالات 1–20