Siti N Maon
Siti N Maon
أسماء أخرىSiti Ma'on, Siti Noorsuriani Ma'on, Siti Noorsuriani Maon
انتساب غير معروف
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على uitm.edu.my
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The relationship between marketing mix and customer loyalty in hijab industry: The mediating effect of customer satisfaction
N Abd Wahab, LFA Hassan, SAM Shahid, SN Maon
Procedia Economics and Finance 37, 366-371, 2016
Online health information seeking behavior pattern
SN Maon, NM Hassan, SAA Seman
Advanced Science Letters 23 (11), 10582-10585, 2017
Patient satisfaction with access to 1Malaysia clinic
DS Ab Latiff, SC Din, SN Ma’on
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 91, 395-402, 2013
The use of web-based interventions to prevent excessive weight gain
S Maon, S Edirippulige, R Ware, J Batch
Journal of telemedicine and telecare 18 (1), 37-41, 2012
Technostress creator and work life balance: a systematic literature review.
MASM Saim, WEW Rashid, SN MA’ON
Romanian Journal of Information Technology & Automatic Control/Revista …, 2021
Factors influencing individual financial resilience in facing economic crisis: Does financial literacy really help
NM Hassan, ES Kassim, SN Ma’on
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences 8 …, 2018
The use of online social networking and quality of life
SNM Tobi, SN Ma'on, N Ghazali
2013 international conference on technology, informatics, management …, 2013
The Relationship Between Job Stress and Quality of Life Among Working Adults
M Ahmad, SN Maon, NISA Aziz
Proceedings of the 2nd Advances in Business Research International …, 2018
Intention to purchase medical and health insurance: application of theory of planned behavior
MR Dzulkipli, NNN Zainuddin, SN Maon, A Jamal, MK Omar
Advanced Science Letters 23 (11), 10515-10518, 2017
Teamwork and collaboration in healthcare: elements of inter-professional teamwork
SNS Kholed, NM Hassan, SN Ma’on, NZA Hamid
Advanced Science Letters 23 (11), 10834-10837, 2017
Humanitarian Logistics: a disaster relief operations framework during pandemic Covid-19 in achieving healthy communities
MH Ab Malik, EN Omar, SN Maon
Advances in Business Research International Journal 6 (2), 101-113, 2020
Interprofessional Communication and Interprofessional Collaboration (IPC) among Health Care Professionals
N Zainie Abd Hamid, S Zaleha Abdul Rasid, S Maon, N Mohd Hassan, ...
BE-ci 2016 International Conference on Business and Economics, 427 - 433, 2016
Physical Inactivity among University Students
A Anuar, NZ Mat Hasan @ Hussin, SN Maon, NM Hassan, MZ Abdullah, ...
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences …, 2021
Gender Differences in Digital Competence Among Secondary School Students.
SN Maon, NM Hassan, NM Yunus, SFAK Jailani, ES Kassim
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies 15 (4), 2021
The relationship between technostress creator and work-life balance at selected private sector in Selangor
MAS Saim, WEW Rashid, S Noorsuriani
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences …, 2021
Applicability of theory of planned behavior and protection motivation theory in predicting intention to purchase health insurance
NA Azizam, MR Dzulkipli, NI Shamimi, SN Maon, D John, J Belawing, ...
Advances in Business Research International Journal 6 (1), 1-9, 2020
Human resources in healthcare, health informatics and healthcare systems
SM Kabene
IGI Global, 2010
Application of theory of planned behavior to predict the intention to purchase complementary and alternative medicine
MR Dzulkipli, NA Azizam, SN Maon, N Aziz, NM Azlan, NS Razak, ...
Int Tourism Hospitality J 2 (3), 1-07, 2019
Acceptance of total hospital information system (THIS)
DS Ab Latiff, ZA Mulud, SN Ma'on
International Journal of Future Computer and Communication 2 (3), 160, 2013
Reliability and validity of the inter-professional collaboration practice instrument
SNS Kholed, SN Maon, NM Hassan
Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice 24, 100450, 2021
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مقالات 1–20