Eric Warrant
Eric Warrant
Lund Vision Group, Department of Biology, University of Lund, Sweden
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Visual ecology
TW Cronin, S Johnsen, J Marshall, EJ Warrant
Princeton University Press, 2014
Vision in the deep sea
EJ Warrant, NA Locket
Biological Reviews 79 (3), 671-712, 2004
Seeing better at night: life style, eye design and the optimum strategy of spatial and temporal summation
EJ Warrant
Vision research 39 (9), 1611-1630, 1999
An anatomically constrained model for path integration in the bee brain
T Stone, B Webb, A Adden, NB Weddig, A Honkanen, R Templin, ...
Current Biology 27 (20), 3069-3085. e11, 2017
Insect orientation to polarized moonlight
M Dacke, DE Nilsson, CH Scholtz, M Byrne, EJ Warrant
Nature 424 (6944), 33-33, 2003
Vision in the dimmest habitats on earth
E Warrant
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 190, 765-789, 2004
Scotopic colour vision in nocturnal hawkmoths
A Kelber, A Balkenius, EJ Warrant
Nature 419 (6910), 922-925, 2002
Dung beetles use the Milky Way for orientation
M Dacke, E Baird, M Byrne, CH Scholtz, EJ Warrant
Current biology 23 (4), 298-300, 2013
Nocturnal vision and landmark orientation in a tropical halictid bee
EJ Warrant, A Kelber, A Gislén, B Greiner, W Ribi, WT Wcislo
Current Biology 14 (15), 1309-1318, 2004
Crepuscular and nocturnal illumination and its effects on color perception by the nocturnal hawkmoth Deilephila elpenor
S Johnsen, A Kelber, E Warrant, AM Sweeney, EA Widder, RL Lee Jr, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 209 (5), 789-800, 2006
Vision and visual navigation in nocturnal insects
E Warrant, M Dacke
Annual review of entomology 56 (1), 239-254, 2011
Invertebrate vision
E Warrant, DE Nilsson
Cambridge University Press, 2006
Warm eyes provide superior vision in swordfishes
KA Fritsches, RW Brill, EJ Warrant
Current Biology 15 (1), 55-58, 2005
Absorption of white light in photoreceptors
EJ Warrant, DE Nilsson
Vision research 38 (2), 195-207, 1998
The energetic cost of vision and the evolution of eyeless Mexican cavefish
D Moran, R Softley, EJ Warrant
Science advances 1 (8), e1500363, 2015
Arthropod eye design and the physical limits to spatial resolving power
EJ Warrant, PD McIntyre
Progress in Neurobiology 40 (4), 413-461, 1993
Bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) behavior and physiology and their relevance to stock assessments and fishery biology
RW Brill, KA Bigelow, MK Musyl, KA Fritsches, EJ Warrant
Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT 57 (2), 142-161, 2005
Insect motion detectors matched to visual ecology
DC O'Carroll, NJ Bidweii, SB Laughlin, EJ Warrant
Nature 382 (6586), 63-66, 1996
Light intensity limits foraging activity in nocturnal and crepuscular bees
A Kelber, EJ Warrant, M Pfaff, R Wallén, JC Theobald, WT Wcislo, ...
Behavioral Ecology 17 (1), 63-72, 2006
Neural coding underlying the cue preference for celestial orientation
B el Jundi, EJ Warrant, MJ Byrne, L Khaldy, E Baird, J Smolka, M Dacke
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (36), 11395-11400, 2015
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