Albert Oliver
Albert Oliver
Instituto Universitario SIANI, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على ulpgc.es
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Analysis of satellite derived solar irradiance in islands with site adaptation techniques for improving the uncertainty
LM Aguiar, J Polo, JM Vindel, A Oliver
Renewable Energy 135, 98-107, 2019
Adaptive finite element simulation of stack pollutant emissions over complex terrains
A Oliver, G Montero, R Montenegro, E Rodríguez, JM Escobar, ...
Energy 49, 47-60, 2013
Wind forecasting based on the harmonie model and adaptive finite elements
A Oliver, E Rodríguez, JM Escobar, G Montero, M Hortal, J Calvo, ...
Pure and Applied Geophysics 172 (1), 109-120, 2015
Improving Shadows Detection for Solar Radiation Numerical Models
F Dıaz, DS Hendrix Montero, G Montero, E Rodrıguez, LM Aguiar, A Oliver
5th European Seminar on Computing (ESCO2016), Pilsen (June 2016), 81, 2016
Optimisation technique for improving wind downscaling results by estimating roughness parameters
G Montero, E Rodríguez, A Oliver, J Calvo, JM Escobar, R Montenegro
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 174, 411-423, 2018
Parallel graph-grammar-based algorithm for the longest-edge refinement of triangular meshes and the pollution simulations in Lesser Poland area
K Podsiadło, AO Serra, A Paszyńska, R Montenegro, I Henriksen, ...
Engineering with Computers, 1-24, 2021
Sensitivity analysis of the WRF model: Assessment of performance in high resolution simulations in complex terrain in the Canary Islands
D Suárez-Molina, S Fernández-González, G Montero, A Oliver, ...
Atmospheric Research 247, 105157, 2021
A Phenomenological Epidemic Model Based On the Spatio-Temporal Evolution of a Gaussian Probability Density Function
D Benítez, G Montero, E Rodríguez, D Greiner, A Oliver, L González, ...
Mathematics 8 (11), 2000, 2020
Analysis of sounding derived parameters and application to severe weather events in the Canary Islands
DS Molina, S Fernández-González, JCS González, A Oliver
Atmospheric Research, 104865, 2020
Finite element simulation of a local scale air quality model over complex terrain
A Oliver, G Montero, R Montenegro, E Rodríguez, JM Escobar, ...
Advances in Science and Research 8 (1), 105-113, 2012
Insertion of triangulated surfaces into a meccano tetrahedral discretization by means of mesh refinement and optimization procedures
E Ruiz‐Gironés, A Oliver, GV Socorro‐Marrero, JM Cascón, JM Escobar, ...
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 113 (9), 1488-1506, 2018
Comparison of Two Solar Probabilistic Forecasting Methodologies for Microgrids Energy Efficiency
L Mazorra-Aguiar, P Lauret, M David, A Oliver, G Montero
Energies 14 (6), 1679, 2021
Dust Events Characterization from Visibility, Trends and Dust Adversity Index in the Canary Islands for the Period 1980-2022
D Suárez-Molina, E Cuevas, S Alonso-Pérez, L Cana, G Montero, A Oliver
Trends and Dust Adversity Index in the Canary Islands for the Period 2022, 2024
Graph-grammar based algorithm for asteroid tsunami simulations
P Maczuga, A Oliver-Serra, A Paszyńska, E Valseth, M Paszyński
Journal of Computational Science 64, 101856, 2022
Wind3D Code
E Rodríguez, G Montero, JM Escobar, R Montenegro, A Oliver
http://www.dca.iusiani.ulpgc.es/Wind3D/, 2012
Finite Element Simulation of Chimney Emissions: A Proposal for Near Field Impact Assessment in Highly Complex Terrains
A Pérez-Foguet, A Oliver, JM Escobar, E Rodríguez
The Fifth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology …, 2006
Wind field diagnostic model
E Rodríguez, G Montero, A Oliver
Wind field and solar radiation characterization and forecasting: A numerical …, 2018
Wind forecasting over complex terrain
A Oliver, E Rodríguez, JM Escobar, G Montero, M Hortal, J Calvo, ...
Mathematics and Geosciences: Global and Local Perspectives ICMAT, Madrid …, 2013
A. Finite element local air quality modeling of punctual emissions
A Oliver, JM Escobar, E Rodríguez, A Pérez-Foguet
8th World Congress on Computational Mechanis and 5th European Congress on …, 2008
Shock waves generators: From prevention of hail storms to reduction of the smog in urban areas—experimental verification and numerical simulations
M Łoś, L Siwik, M Woźniak, D Gryboś, P Maczuga, A Oliver-Serra, ...
Journal of Computational Science 77, 102238, 2024
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مقالات 1–20