Daniel Rafael Miranda-Esquivel
Daniel Rafael Miranda-Esquivel
Universidad Industrial de Santander. Colombia
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Weighting against homoplasy improves phylogenetic analysis of morphological data sets
PA Goloboff, JM Carpenter, JS Arias, DRM Esquivel
Cladistics 24 (5), 758-773, 2008
Areas of endemism and distribution patterns for Neotropical Piper species (Piperaceae)
MA Quijano‐Abril, R Callejas‐Posada, DR Miranda‐Esquivel
Journal of Biogeography 33 (7), 1266-1278, 2006
The database of the PREDICTS (projecting responses of ecological diversity in changing terrestrial systems) project
LN Hudson, T Newbold, S Contu, SLL Hill, I Lysenko, A De Palma, ...
Ecology and evolution 7 (1), 145-188, 2017
Using phylogenetic diversity measures to set priorities in conservation: an example from southern South America
P Posadas, DRM Esquivel, JV Crisci
Conservation Biology 15 (5), 1325-1334, 2001
Historical biogeography of the Andean region: evidence from Listroderina (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Rhytirrhinini) in the context of the South American geobiotic scenario
M Donato, P Posadas, DR Miranda-Esquivel, EO Jaureguizar, G Cladera
Biological Journal of the Linnean society 80 (2), 339-352, 2003
El PAE (Parsimony Analysis of Endemicity) como una herramienta en la evaluación de la biodiversidad
P Posadas, DR Miranda-Esquivel
Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 72, 539-546, 1999
Comparative histology of the vaginal–cloacal region in Squamata and its phylogenetic implications
PM Sánchez‐Martínez, MP Ramírez‐Pinilla, DR Miranda‐Esquivel
Acta Zoologica 88 (4), 289-307, 2007
Parsimony analysis of endemicity describes but does not explain: an illustrated critique
IJ Garzón‐Orduña, DR Miranda‐Esquivel, M Donato
Journal of Biogeography 35 (5), 903-913, 2008
MartiTracks: a geometrical approach for identifying geographical patterns of distribution
S Echeverría-Londoño, DR Miranda-Esquivel
PloS One 6 (4), e18460, 2011
Modelling and projecting the response of local assemblage composition to land use change across Colombia
S Echeverría‐Londoño, T Newbold, LN Hudson, S Contu, SLL Hill, ...
Diversity and Distributions 22 (11), 1099-1111, 2016
A phylogenetic approach to conserving Amazonian biodiversity
Conservation Biology 24 (5), 1359-1366, 2010
Cladistic analysis of Simulium (Trichodagmia) and Simulium (Thyrsopelma) (Diptera: Simuliidae)
DR Miranda-Esquivel, S Coscarón
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 132 (4), 429-439, 2001
Phylogeny of dengue virus type 3 circulating in Colombia between 2001 and 2007
CJ Villabona‐Arenas, DR Miranda‐Esquivel, REO Jimenez
Tropical Medicine & International Health 14 (10), 1241-1250, 2009
Virus del dengue de serotipo 1 (DENV-1) de Colombia: su contribución a la presentación del dengue en el departamento de Santander
RE Ocazionez-Jiménez, AS Ortiz-Báez, SY Gómez-Rangel, ...
Biomédica 33, 22-30, 2013
Páramos neotropicales como unidades biogeográficas
CJ Diaz-Acevedo, LV Romero-Alarcon, DR Miranda-Esquivel
Revista de Biología Tropical 68 (2), 508-516, 2020
Profile parsimony (PP): an analysis under implied weights (IW)
JS Arias, DR Miranda‐Esquivel
Cladistics 20 (1), 56-63, 2004
Simúlidos (Diptera: Simuliidae) presentes entre las vertientes magdalenense y orinocense, en un sector al centro de Colombia
PM de Hoyos, DR Miranda-Esquivel
Caldasia, 297-310, 1997
Biogeographic evidence supports the Old Amazon hypothesis for the formation of the Amazon fluvial system
K Méndez-Camacho, O Leon-Alvarado, DR Miranda-Esquivel
PeerJ 9, e12533, 2021
Wing Shape Variation in the Taxonomic Recognition of Species of Diachlorus Osten-Sacken (Diptera: Tabanidae) from Colombia
A Torres, DR Miranda-Esquivel
Neotropical entomology 45 (2), 180.191, 2016
Morphometric analysis to differentiate taxonomically seven species of Eleutherodactylus (Amphibia: Anura: Leptodactylidae) from an Andean cloud forest of Colombia
SB Arroyo, PM Sánchez, MP Ramírez-Pinilla, HA Suárez, ...
Zootaxa 1018 (1), 1–14-1–14, 2005
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20