c r pidgeon
c r pidgeon
Professor of Physics, Heriot-Watt University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Interband magneto-absorption and Faraday rotation in InSb
CR Pidgeon, RN Brown
Physical Review 146 (2), 575, 1966
Interband magnetoreflection and band structure of HgTe
SH Groves, RN Brown, CR Pidgeon
Physical Review 161 (3), 779, 1967
Interband magnetoabsorption in InAs and InSb
CR Pidgeon, DL Mitchell, RN Brown
Physical Review 154 (3), 737, 1967
Auger recombination dynamics of lead salts under picosecond free-electron-laser excitation
PC Findlay, CR Pidgeon, R Kotitschke, A Hollingworth, BN Murdin, ...
Physical Review B 58 (19), 12908, 1998
Coherent control of Rydberg states in silicon
PT Greenland, SA Lynch, AFG Van Der Meer, BN Murdin, CR Pidgeon, ...
Nature 465 (7301), 1057-1061, 2010
Direct observation of the LO phonon bottleneck in wide GaAs/ As quantum wells
BN Murdin, W Heiss, C Langerak, SC Lee, I Galbraith, G Strasser, ...
Physical Review B 55 (8), 5171, 1997
Intersubband electroluminescence from Si/SiGe cascade emitters at terahertz frequencies
SA Lynch, R Bates, DJ Paul, DJ Norris, AG Cullis, Z Ikonic, RW Kelsall, ...
Applied physics letters 81 (9), 1543-1545, 2002
Two-photon absorption in zinc-blende semiconductors
CR Pidgeon, BS Wherrett, AM Johnston, J Dempsey, A Miller
Physical Review Letters 42 (26), 1785, 1979
Handbook on Semiconductors
CR Pidgeon, M Balkanski
Free carrier optical properties of semiconductors, 1980
Inversion-asymmetry and warping-induced interband magneto-optical transitions in InSb
CR Pidgeon, SH Groves
Physical Review 186 (3), 824, 1969
Resolving power of multilayer filters in nonparallel light
CR Pidgeon, SD Smith
Journal of the Optical Society of America 54 (12), 1459-1466, 1964
Silicon as a model ion trap: Time domain measurements of donor Rydberg states
NQ Vinh, PT Greenland, K Litvinenko, B Redlich, AFG Van Der Meer, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (31), 10649-10653, 2008
Interband magnetoreflection of α-Sn
SH Groves, CR Pidgeon, AW Ewald, RJ Wagner
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 31 (9), 2031-2049, 1970
Tunable lasers
MJ Colles, CR Pidgeon
Reports on progress in physics 38 (3), 329, 1975
InSb1− xNx growth and devices
T Ashley, TM Burke, GJ Pryce, AR Adams, A Andreev, BN Murdin, ...
Solid-State Electronics 47 (3), 387-394, 2003
Auger recombination in long-wavelength infrared alloys
BN Murdin, M Kamal-Saadi, A Lindsay, EP O’Reilly, AR Adams, GJ Nott, ...
Applied Physics Letters 78 (11), 1568-1570, 2001
Two-photon absorption in InSb and Hg1-xCdxTe
A Miller, A Johnston, J Dempsey, J Smith, CR Pidgeon, GD Holah
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 12 (22), 4839, 1979
Electroreflectance study of interband magneto-optical transitions in InAs and InSb at 1.5° K
CR Pidgeon, SH Groves, J Feinleib
Solid State Communications 5 (8), 677-680, 1967
Spin-galvanic effect due to optical spin orientation in n-type GaAs quantum well structures
SD Ganichev, P Schneider, VV Bel’kov, EL Ivchenko, SA Tarasenko, ...
Physical Review B 68 (8), 081302, 2003
Direct observation of magnetophonon resonances in Landau-level lifetimes of a semiconductor heterostructure
TA Vaughan, RJ Nicholas, C Langerak, BN Murdin, CR Pidgeon, ...
Physical Review B 53 (24), 16481, 1996
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