Antonio Alfonso Arcos Alvarez
Antonio Alfonso Arcos Alvarez
Director del Departamento de Ingeniería y Morfología del Terreno, E.T.S de Ingenieros de Caminos
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على upm.es - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
BIM-based educational and facility management of large university venues
RM Pavón, AA Arcos Alvarez, MG Alberti
Applied Sciences 10 (22), 7976, 2020
New perspectives for BIM usage in transportation infrastructure projects
Á Moreno Bazán, MG Alberti, A Arcos Álvarez, JA Trigueros
Applied sciences 10 (20), 7072, 2020
Possibilities of BIM-FM for the Management of COVID in Public Buildings
RM Pavón, AA Arcos Alvarez, MG Alberti
Sustainability 12 (23), 9974, 2020
Use of BIM-FM to transform large conventional public buildings into efficient and smart sustainable buildings
RM Pavón, MG Alberti, AAA Álvarez, I del Rosario Chiyón Carrasco
Energies 14 (11), 3127, 2021
Bim-based methodology for the management of public heritage. Case study: Algeciras market hall
ÁM Bazán, MG Alberti, AAA Álvarez, RM Pavón, A González Barbado
Applied Sciences 11 (24), 11899, 2021
Posibilidades de la metodología BIM en la ingeniería civil
LA Pérez González
Caminos, 2019
Three-dimensional elasto-plastic soil modelling and analysis of sauropod tracks
E Sanz, A Arcos, C Pascual, IM Pidal
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 61 (2), 387-402, 2015
Measurement-while-drilling based estimation of dynamic penetrometer values using decision trees and random forests
EM García, MG Alberti, AA Arcos Álvarez
Applied Sciences 12 (9), 4565, 2022
New use of BIM-origami-based techniques for energy optimisation of buildings
RM Pavón, ÁM Bazán, JJ Cepa, AA Arcos Álvarez, JMA Trigueros, ...
Applied Sciences 12 (3), 1496, 2022
Bim-based Digital Twin development for university Campus management. Case study ETSICCP
RM Pavón, MG Alberti, AAA Álvarez, JJ Cepa
Expert Systems with Applications 262, 125696, 2025
Use of BIM methodology in the re-modelling of an existing bridge
R Blanco Rávena, J Martínez García, B Mozas González, M García Alberti, ...
Anales de Edificación 5 (3), 100-106, 2019
Considerations about syllabus of civil engineering master degrees in order to implement BIM project methodology, IV Int
ÁM Bazán, MG Alberti, A Enfedaque, A Arcos, JCG Ruiz
Conference on Structural Engineering Education Structural Engineering …, 2018
A quarry for the construction of a Roman camp next to the Celtiberian city of Deza during the Sertorian Wars (Soria, Spain)
ES Pérez, VA Alcalde, AAA Álvarez, AM Bazán, ÁS de Ojeda
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 15 (4), 39, 2023
Case study for the implementation of BIM methodology on civil engineering projects
D Pastor Moreno, I Sastre Furones, A Eyre Rodríguez, M García Alberti, ...
IV International Conference on Technological Innovation in Building …, 2019
Aula Invertida en la Ingeniería del Terreno Asistida por Ordenador [Flipped Classroom in Computer-Aided Ground Engineering]
A Arcos, MÁ Fernández-Centeno, C Manget, C Gordo, F Salazar, ...
Aplicación de BIM a la modelización de una presa arco= BIM Application to an Arch dam modeling
A Cortijo-García, MA De-Miguel-Sin-Monge, J Rodríguez-Gamero, ...
Anales de Edificación 7 (3), 20-25, 2021
Incorporación de la metodología BIM en el Máster de Ingeniería de Caminos
Á Moreno Bazán, M García Alberti, AA Arcos Álvarez
Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019
Transfer functions of time integration algorithms used in response spectrum analysis of earthquakes
R Blázquez, A Arcos
Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Structural Dynamics …, 1999
BIM Methodology in the Teaching of Graphic Expression in Civil Engineering
ÁM Bazán, SS Domínguez, AAA Álvarez, JMA Trigueros
International conference on The Digital Transformation in the Graphic …, 2022
Use of BIM methodology for the remodeling of an existing bridge
R Blanco, J Martínez, B Mozas, M García Alberti, AA Arcos Álvarez
IV International Conference on Technological Innovation in Building …, 2019
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20