Xuyun Tan
Xuyun Tan
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The moderating effect of dispositional mindfulness on the relationship between materialism and mental health
G Wang, L Liu, X Tan, W Zheng
Personality and Individual Differences 107, 131-136, 2017
The effect of self-esteem on corrupt intention: The mediating role of materialism
Y Liang, L Liu, X Tan, Z Huang, J Dang, W Zheng
Frontiers in psychology 7, 1063, 2016
The effects of general system justification on corruption perception and intent
X Tan, L Liu, Z Huang, W Zheng, Y Liang
Frontiers in Psychology 7, 1107, 2016
Life satisfaction as a buffer of the relationship between corruption perception and political participation
W Zheng, L Liu, Z Huang, X Tan
Social Indicators Research 132, 907-923, 2017
Effects of social dominance orientation and right‐wing authoritarianism on corrupt intention: The role of moral outrage
X Tan, L Liu, W Zheng, Z Huang
International Journal of Psychology 51 (3), 213-219, 2016
The dampening effect of social dominance orientation on awareness of corruption: Moral outrage as a mediator
X Tan, L Liu, Z Huang, X Zhao, W Zheng
Social Indicators Research 125, 89-102, 2016
Working for the hierarchical system: The role of meritocratic ideology in the endorsement of corruption
X Tan, L Liu, Z Huang, W Zheng
Political Psychology 38 (3), 469-479, 2017
Polluted air increases perceived corruption
Z Huang, W Zheng, X Tan, X Zhang, L Liu
Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology 10, e13, 2016
The effect of anger and sadness on prosocial decision making: The role of the interpersonal attribution of responsibility.
Z Yang, Z Gu, D Wang, X Tan, X Wang
Acta Psychologica Sinica, 2017
Walking the straight and narrow: The moderating effect of evaluation apprehension on the relationship between collectivism and corruption
Z Huang, L Liu, W Zheng, X Tan, X Zhao
PLoS One 10 (3), e0123859, 2015
Social dominance orientation and selfish behaviors in Chinese adolescents: The mediating role of psychological entitlement
B Bai, X Tan, N Zhang, Y Yang
Child Indicators Research 13, 981-991, 2020
Turning a blind eye: Meritocracy moderates the impacts of social status on corruption perception
X Tan, Y Zhang, L Liu, X Dou, Z Gu, Y Liang, J Dang
International Journal of Psychology 56 (5), 688-697, 2021
Does power corrupt? The moderating effect of status
Z Gu, L Liu, X Tan, Y Liang, J Dang, C Wei, D Ren, Q Su, G Wang
International Journal of Psychology 55 (4), 499-508, 2020
The relationship between cultural anxiety and ethnic essentialism: The mediating role of an endorsement of multicultural ideology
X Yang, L Liu, Y Shi, Y Li, X Tan, X Hu, X Sun
Plos one 10 (11), e0141875, 2015
大学生成人依恋, 元情绪与成就动机的关系
杨昭宁, 付大坤, 谭旭运
中国特殊教育, 74-78, 2011
How family-work conflict influences post-traumatic growth among medical workers: A moderated mediation model
M Lv, X Tan, C Xing, J Zheng, S Han
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 743970, 2021
Open or close the door to the outgroup? Diversity beliefs moderate the impact of group boundary permeability on attitudes toward the outgroup
D Ren, X Tan, J Dang, L Liu, X Zhao, C Li, Y Liang, Q Su, Z Gu, C Wei
International Journal of Psychology 54 (6), 712-721, 2019
Protecting public’s wellbeing against COVID-19 infodemic: the role of trust in information sources and rapid dissemination and transparency of information over time
Y Zhou, A Zhang, X Liu, X Tan, R Miao, Y Zhang, J Wang
Frontiers in Public Health 11, 1142230, 2023
Economic inequality breeds corrupt behaviour
C Wei, J Dang, L Liu, C Li, X Tan, Z Gu
British Journal of Social Psychology 62 (2), 949-971, 2023
Does competence or morality mainly drive self-esteem? It depends on general system justification
Y Liang, X Tan, J Dang, C Wei, Z Gu, L Liu
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 97, 104207, 2021
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مقالات 1–20