Ye Ding
Ye Ding
PhD Candidate of School of Life Sciences, Westlake University.
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على westlake.edu.cn
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
DeePMD-kit v2: A software package for deep potential models
J Zeng, D Zhang, D Lu, P Mo, Z Li, Y Chen, M Rynik, L Huang, Z Li, S Shi, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 159 (5), 2023
Binding energy and free energy of calcium ion to calmodulin EF-hands with the drude polarizable force field
Q Tan, Y Ding, Z Qiu, J Huang
ACS Physical Chemistry Au 2 (2), 143-155, 2021
Data science techniques in biomolecular force field development
Y Ding, K Yu, J Huang
Current Opinion in Structural Biology 78, 102502, 2023
Predicting partition coefficients of drug-like molecules in the SAMPL6 challenge with Drude polarizable force fields
Y Ding, Y Xu, C Qian, J Chen, J Zhu, H Huang, Y Shi, J Huang
Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design, 1-15, 2020
Implementation and validation of an openmm plugin for the deep potential representation of potential energy
Y Ding, J Huang
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (3), 1448, 2024
DP/MM: A Hybrid Model for Zinc–Protein Interactions in Molecular Dynamics
Y Ding, J Huang
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 15 (2), 616-627, 2024
Constant advance replicas method for locating minimum energy paths and transition states
Z Song, Y Ding, J Huang
Journal of Computational Chemistry 44 (26), 2042-2057, 2023
Identifying the Most Probable Transition Path with Constant Advance Replicas
Z Song, Y Xu, H Zhang, Y Ding, J Huang
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 20 (22), 9857-9870, 2024
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–8