Markus Morgenstern
Markus Morgenstern
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Direct observation of internal spin structure of magnetic vortex cores
A Wachowiak, J Wiebe, M Bode, O Pietzsch, M Morgenstern, ...
science 298 (5593), 577-580, 2002
Intrinsic and extrinsic corrugation of monolayer graphene deposited on
V Geringer, M Liebmann, T Echtermeyer, S Runte, M Schmidt, ...
Physical review letters 102 (7), 076102, 2009
New approach for determination of diffusion parameters of adatoms
M Bott, M Hohage, M Morgenstern, T Michely, G Comsa
Physical review letters 76 (8), 1304, 1996
Anisotropy in the adsorption of H 2 O at low coordination sites on Pt (111)
M Morgenstern, T Michely, G Comsa
Physical review letters 77 (4), 703, 1996
Giant Rashba-type spin splitting in ferroelectric GeTe (111)
M Liebmann, C Rinaldi, D Di Sante, J Kellner, C Pauly, RN Wang, ...
Advanced Materials 28 (3), 560-565, 2016
Quantum Hall transition in real space: from localized to extended states
K Hashimoto, C Sohrmann, J Wiebe, T Inaoka, F Meier, Y Hirayama, ...
Physical Review Letters 101 (25), 256802, 2008
Wave-function mapping of InAs quantum dots by scanning tunneling spectroscopy
T Maltezopoulos, A Bolz, C Meyer, C Heyn, W Hansen, M Morgenstern, ...
Physical review letters 91 (19), 196804, 2003
Wave-function mapping of graphene quantum dots with soft confinement
D Subramaniam, F Libisch, Y Li, C Pauly, V Geringer, R Reiter, T Mashoff, ...
Physical review letters 108 (4), 046801, 2012
Atomic processes in low temperature Pt-dendrite growth on Pt (111)
M Hohage, M Bott, M Morgenstern, Z Zhang, T Michely, G Comsa
Physical review letters 76 (13), 2366, 1996
Subnanometre-wide electron channels protected by topology
C Pauly, B Rasche, K Koepernik, M Liebmann, M Pratzer, M Richter, ...
Nature Physics 11 (4), 338-343, 2015
A ultra-high vacuum scanning tunneling microscope for spin-resolved spectroscopy at high energy resolution
J Wiebe, A Wachowiak, F Meier, D Haude, T Foster, M Morgenstern, ...
Review of scientific instruments 75 (11), 4871-4879, 2004
Tip-induced band bending by scanning tunneling spectroscopy of the states of the tip-induced quantum dot on InAs (110)
R Dombrowski, C Steinebach, C Wittneven, M Morgenstern, ...
Physical Review B 59 (12), 8043, 1999
Bistability and oscillatory motion of natural nanomembranes appearing within monolayer graphene on silicon dioxide
T Mashoff, M Pratzer, V Geringer, TJ Echtermeyer, MC Lemme, ...
Nano letters 10 (2), 461-465, 2010
Electrostatically confined monolayer graphene quantum dots with orbital and valley splittings
NM Freitag, LA Chizhova, P Nemes-Incze, CR Woods, RV Gorbachev, ...
Nano letters 16 (9), 5798-5805, 2016
Tuning the pseudospin polarization of graphene by a pseudomagnetic field
A Georgi, P Nemes-Incze, R Carrillo-Bastos, D Faria, S Viola Kusminskiy, ...
Nano letters 17 (4), 2240-2245, 2017
Realization of a vertical topological p–n junction in epitaxial Sb2Te3/Bi2Te3 heterostructures
M Eschbach, E Młyńczak, J Kellner, J Kampmeier, M Lanius, E Neumann, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 8816, 2015
The ice bilayer on Pt (111): Nucleation, structure and melting
M Morgenstern, J Müller, T Michely, G Comsa
Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie 198 (1-2), 43-72, 1997
Mn‐Rich MnSb2Te4: A Topological Insulator with Magnetic Gap Closing at High Curie Temperatures of 45–50 K
S Wimmer, J Sánchez‐Barriga, P Küppers, A Ney, E Schierle, F Freyse, ...
Advanced Materials 33 (42), 2102935, 2021
Probing two topological surface bands of SbTe by spin-polarized photoemission spectroscopy
C Pauly, G Bihlmayer, M Liebmann, M Grob, A Georgi, D Subramaniam, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (23), 235106, 2012
Real-Space Observation of Drift States in a Two-Dimensional Electron System<? format?> at High Magnetic Fields
M Morgenstern, J Klijn, C Meyer, R Wiesendanger
Physical review letters 90 (5), 056804, 2003
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مقالات 1–20