Francesca VOLPATO
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The acquisition of relative clauses and phi-features: evidence from hearing and hearing-impaired populations
F Volpato
Università Ca'Foscari Venezia, 2010
The subject/object relative clause asymmetry in hearing-impaired children: evidence from a comprehension task.
F Volpato, F Adani
Studies in Linguistics 3, 269-281, 2009
The production of relative clauses by Italian cochlear-implanted and hearing children
F Volpato, M Vernice
Lingua 139, 39-67, 2014
The comprehension and production of verbal passives by Italian preschool-age children
F Volpato, L Verin, A Cardinaletti
Applied Psycholinguistics 37 (4), 901-931, 2016
On the comprehension and production of passive sentences and relative clauses by Italian university students with dyslexia
A Cardinaletti, F Volpato
Struct. Strateg. Beyond, 279-302, 2015
The comprehension of relative clauses by hearing and hearing-impaired, cochlear-implanted children: the role of marked number features.
F Volpato
Selected Proceedings of the Romance Turn IV Workshop on the Acquisition of …, 2012
The comprehension of (eventive) verbal passives by Italian preschool age children
F Volpato, L Tagliaferro, L Verin, A Cardinaletti
Advances in Language Acquisition, 243-250, 2013
Le conseguenze della sordità nell’accessibilità alla lingua e ai suoi codici
C Bertone, F Volpato
Educazione Linguistica Language Education 1 (3), 549-580, 2012
Oral language and sign language: possible approaches for deaf people’s language development
C Bertone, F Volpato
Cadernos de Saúde 2 (Especial), 51-62, 2009
The acquisition of passives in Italian: Auxiliaries and answering strategies in an experiment of elicited production
F Volpato, L Verin, A Cardinaletti
New Directions in the Acquisition of Romance Languages: Selected Proceedings …, 2014
Relative Clauses, Phi Features, and Memory Skills
F Volpato
Studi e Ricerche 18, 2019
Le abilità di comprensione dell’italiano in sei adolescenti sordi segnanti LIS
C Bertone, A Cardinaletti, S Grosselle, F Volpato
Acquisizione dell’italiano e sordità, 87-105, 2011
Valutare la competenza sintattica di bambini con Disturbo Specifico del Linguaggio
G Del Puppo, F Volpato, R Padovani, P Zavattiero, A Lusuardi
Poster presented at CLASTA VII (Communication and Language Acquisition …, 2016
Verbal working memory resources and comprehension of relative clauses in children with cochlear implants
F Volpato
First language 40 (4), 390-410, 2020
Development of the A § E test battery for assessment of pitch perception in speech
W Heeren, M Coene, B Vaerenberg, A Avram, A Cardinaletti, L del Bo, ...
Cochlear Implants International 13 (4), 206-219, 2012
How do Italian-speaking children handle wh-questions? A comparison between children with hearing loss and children with normal hearing
S D’Ortenzio, F Volpato
Clinical linguistics & phonetics 34 (4), 407-429, 2020
L'analisi linguistica per la comprensione dei DSA
A Cardinaletti, F Volpato
DSA. DisturboDifferenza. Disabilità, 65-87, 2011
Comprensione e produzione di frasi relative e frasi passive: il caso di due bambini gemelli sordi italiani
M Franceschini, F Volpato
STUDI AITLA, 75-90, 2015
Clitic pronouns and past participle agreement in Italian in three hearing impaired bilinguals Italian/LIS
F Volpato
Rivista di linguistica 20 (2), 308-345, 2008
The acquisition of relative clauses and phi-features in hearing and hearing-impaired populations
F Volpato
Unpublished PhD thesis]. Ca’Foscari University of Venice, 2010
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مقالات 1–20