Justin Visagie
Justin Visagie
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A reconsideration of what and who is middle class in South Africa
J Visagie, D Posel
Development Southern Africa 30 (2), 149-167, 2013
Rural–urban inequalities amplified by COVID-19: evidence from South Africa
J Visagie, I Turok
Area Development and Policy 6 (1), 50-62, 2021
Social inequality and spatial segregation in Cape Town
I Turok, J Visagie, A Scheba
Urban socio-economic segregation and income inequality: A global perspective …, 2021
Getting urban density to work in informal settlements in Africa
J Visagie, I Turok
Environment and Urbanization 32 (2), 351-370, 2020
Who are the middle class in South Africa? Does it matter for policy
J Visagie
COVID-19 amplifies urban inequalities
I Turok, J Visagie
South African Journal of Science 117 (3-4), 2021
Growth of the middle class: Two perspectives that matter for policy
J Visagie
South Africa's Emergent Middle Class, 13-34, 2017
Inequality and urban density: socio-economic drivers of uneven densification in Cape Town
A Scheba, I Turok, J Visagie
Environment and Urbanization ASIA 12 (1_suppl), S107-S126, 2021
Restoring the core? Central city decline and transformation in the South
I Turok, L Seeliger, J Visagie
Progress in Planning 144, 100434, 2021
Reducing spatial inequalities through better regulation
I Turok, A Scheba, J Visagie
Report to the High-Level Panel on the Assessment of Key Legislation and the …, 2017
Race, gender and growth of the affluent middle class in post-apartheid South Africa
J Visagie
Biennial Conference of the Economic Society of South Africa, Bloemfontein …, 2013
Inclusive Urban Development in South Africa: What does it mean and how can it be measured?
I Turok, J Visagie
The Institute of Development Studies and Partner Organisations, 2018
Regional value chains as new pathways to development?
S Scholvin, I Turok, J Visagie, JR Diez
Area Development and Policy 7 (2), 177-186, 2022
Synthesis report NIDS-CRAM wave 5
N Spaull, RC Daniels, C Ardington, N Branson, E Breet, G Bridgman, ...
National Income Dynamics Study–Coronavirus Rapid Mobile Survey, 2021
The role of social housing in reducing inequality in South African cities
A Scheba, I Turok, J Visagie, I Salenson
AFD Research Papers, 1-79, 2021
The role of informal urban settlements in upward mobility
I Turok, J Budlender, J Visagie
Development Policy Research Unit, University of Cape Town, 2017
The trajectories of urbanisation in Southern Africa: A comparative analysis
TR Gambe, I Turok, J Visagie
Habitat International 132, 102747, 2023
Rural-urban migration as a means of getting ahead
J Visagie, I Turok
Migrant labour after apartheid: the inside story, 44-70, 2020
Urban “slums” and social mobility
I Turok, J Budlender, J Visagie
Development Policy Review 36 (6), 703-725, 2018
The uneven geography of the COVID-19 crisis
J Visagie, I Turok
National income dynamics study− Coronavirus Rapid Mobile Survey. Policy …, 2020
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مقالات 1–20