Michael Zaworotko
Michael Zaworotko
Bernal Chair of Crystal Engineering, University of Limerick
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
From molecules to crystal engineering: supramolecular isomerism and polymorphism in network solids
B Moulton, MJ Zaworotko
Chemical reviews 101 (6), 1629-1658, 2001
Air and water stable 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium based ionic liquids
JS Wilkes, MJ Zaworotko
Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, 965-967, 1992
Porous materials with optimal adsorption thermodynamics and kinetics for CO2 separation
P Nugent, Y Belmabkhout, SD Burd, AJ Cairns, R Luebke, K Forrest, ...
Nature 495 (7439), 80-84, 2013
Design and synthesis of metal–organic frameworks using metal–organic polyhedra as supermolecular building blocks
JJ Perry Iv, JA Perman, MJ Zaworotko
Chemical Society Reviews 38 (5), 1400-1417, 2009
Pore chemistry and size control in hybrid porous materials for acetylene capture from ethylene
X Cui, K Chen, H Xing, Q Yang, R Krishna, Z Bao, H Wu, W Zhou, X Dong, ...
Science 353 (6295), 141-144, 2016
Pharmaceutical co-crystals
P Vishweshwar, JA McMahon, JA Bis, MJ Zaworotko
Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 95 (3), 499-516, 2006
Polymorphs, salts, and cocrystals: what’s in a name?
S Aitipamula, R Banerjee, AK Bansal, K Biradha, ML Cheney, ...
Crystal growth & design 12 (5), 2147-2152, 2012
Pharmaceutical cocrystals: along the path to improved medicines
NK Duggirala, ML Perry, Ö Almarsson, MJ Zaworotko
Chemical communications 52 (4), 640-655, 2016
Crystal engineering of the composition of pharmaceutical phases. Do pharmaceutical co-crystals represent a new path to improved medicines?
Ö Almarsson, MJ Zaworotko
Chemical communications, 1889-1896, 2004
The role of cocrystals in pharmaceutical science
N Shan, MJ Zaworotko
Drug discovery today 13 (9-10), 440-446, 2008
Supramolecular Isomerism in Coordination Polymers: Conformational Freedom of Ligands in [Co(NO3)2(1,2‐bis(4‐pyridyl)ethane)1.5]n
TL Hennigar, DC MacQuarrie, P Losier, RD Rogers, MJ Zaworotko
Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English 36 (9), 972-973, 1997
Crystal engineering of diamondoid networks
MJ Zaworotko
Chemical Society Reviews 23 (4), 283-288, 1994
Porous Solids by Design: [Zn(4,4′‐bpy)2(SiF6)]n·xDMF, a Single Framework Octahedral Coordination Polymer with Large Square Channels
S Subramanian, MJ Zaworotko
Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English 34 (19), 2127-2129, 1995
Enhanced CO2 Binding Affinity of a High-Uptake rht-Type Metal−Organic Framework Decorated with Acylamide Groups
B Zheng, J Bai, J Duan, L Wojtas, MJ Zaworotko
Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (4), 748-751, 2011
Superstructural diversity in two dimensions: crystal engineering of laminated solids
MJ Zaworotko
Chemical Communications, 1-9, 2001
Supermolecular building blocks (SBBs) for the design and synthesis of highly porous metal-organic frameworks
F Nouar, JF Eubank, T Bousquet, L Wojtas, MJ Zaworotko, M Eddaoudi
Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (6), 1833-1835, 2008
Crystal engineering of the composition of pharmaceutical phases: multiple-component crystalline solids involving carbamazepine
SG Fleischman, SS Kuduva, JA McMahon, B Moulton, RD Bailey Walsh, ...
Crystal Growth & Design 3 (6), 909-919, 2003
Direct Air Capture of CO2 by Physisorbent Materials
A Kumar, DG Madden, M Lusi, KJ Chen, EA Daniels, T Curtin, JJ Perry IV, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54 (48), 14372-14377, 2015
Hierarchy of supramolecular synthons: persistent carboxylic acid··· pyridine hydrogen bonds in cocrystals that also contain a hydroxyl moiety
TR Shattock, KK Arora, P Vishweshwar, MJ Zaworotko
Crystal growth and design 8 (12), 4533-4545, 2008
Exploitation of the hydrogen bond: recent developments in the context of crystal engineering
S Subramanian, MJ Zaworotko
Coordination Chemistry Reviews 137, 357-401, 1994
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مقالات 1–20