Abbas Bahroudi
Abbas Bahroudi
Associate professor of the university of Tehran
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Effect of spatial distribution of Hormuz salt on deformation style in the Zagros fold and thrust belt: an analogue modelling approach
A Bahroudi, HA Koyi
Journal of the Geological Society 160 (5), 719-733, 2003
Support vector machine for multi-classification of mineral prospectivity areas
M Abedi, GH Norouzi, A Bahroudi
Computers & Geosciences 46, 272-283, 2012
Tectono-sedimentary framework of the Gachsaran Formation in the Zagros foreland basin
A Bahroudi, HA Koyi
Marine and Petroleum Geology 21 (10), 1295-1310, 2004
The configuration of the basement beneath the Zagros Basin
A Bahroudi, CJ Talbot
Journal of petroleum geology 26 (3), 257-282, 2003
Early Neogene foreland of the Zagros, implications for the initial closure of the Neo-Tethys and kinematics of crustal shortening
M Pirouz, JP Avouac, J Hassanzadeh, JL Kirschvink, A Bahroudi
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 477, 168-182, 2017
Oroclinal bending, distributed thrust and strike-slip faulting, and the accommodation of Arabia–Eurasia convergence in NE Iran since the Oligocene
J Hollingsworth, M Fattahi, R Walker, M Talebian, A Bahroudi, ...
Geophysical Journal International 181 (3), 1214-1246, 2010
Neogene sediments and modern depositional environments of the Zagros foreland basin system
M Pirouz, G Simpson, A Bahroudi, A Azhdari
Geological Magazine 148 (5-6), 838-853, 2011
Holocene slip-rate on the Sabzevar thrust fault, NE Iran, determined using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL)
M Fattahi, R Walker, J Hollingsworth, A Bahroudi, H Nazari, M Talebian, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 245 (3-4), 673-684, 2006
Slip-rate estimate and past earthquakes on the Doruneh fault, eastern Iran
M Fattahi, RT Walker, MM Khatib, A Dolati, A Bahroudi
Geophysical Journal International 168 (2), 691-709, 2007
A giant catastrophic mud‐and‐debris flow in the Miocene Makran
JP Burg, D Bernoulli, J Smit, A Dolati, A Bahroudi
Terra Nova 20 (3), 188-193, 2008
Effect of ductile and frictional décollements on style of extension
A Bahroudi, HA Koyi, CJ Talbot
Journal of Structural Geology 25 (9), 1401-1423, 2003
Synchronous deformation on orogenic plateau margins: Insights from the Arabia–Eurasia collision
S Madanipour, TA Ehlers, A Yassaghi, M Rezaeian, E Enkelmann, ...
Tectonophysics 608, 440-451, 2013
Active tectonics of the east Alborz mountains, NE Iran: Rupture of the left‐lateral Astaneh fault system during the great 856 AD Qumis earthquake
J Hollingsworth, H Nazari, JF Ritz, R Salamati, M Talebian, A Bahroudi, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 115 (B12), 2010
Impact of the Late Triassic Dashtak intermediate detachment horizon on anticline geometry in the Central Frontal Fars, SE Zagros fold belt, Iran
M Najafi, A Yassaghi, A Bahroudi, J Vergés, S Sherkati
Marine and Petroleum Geology 54, 23-36, 2014
Supervised mineral exploration targeting and the challenges with the selection of deposit and non-deposit sites thereof
H Rahimi, M Abedi, M Yousefi, A Bahroudi, GR Elyasi
Applied Geochemistry 128, 104940, 2021
The 18 August 2014 Mw 6.2 Mormori, Iran, Earthquake: A Thin‐Skinned Faulting in the Zagros Mountain Inferred from InSAR Measurements
M Motagh, A Bahroudi, MH Haghighi, S Samsonov, E Fielding, HU Wetzel
Seismological Research Letters 86 (3), 775-782, 2015
Locating earliest records of orogenesis in western Himalaya: Evidence from Paleogene sediments in the Iranian Makran region and Pakistan Katawaz basin
A Carter, Y Najman, A Bahroudi, P Bown, E Garzanti, RD Lawrence
Geology 38 (9), 807-810, 2010
The effect of mechanical characteristics of basal decollement and basement structures on deformation of the Zagros Basin
A Bahroudi
Uppsala University Library, 2003
Co-seismic, geomorphic, and geologic fold growth associated with the 1978 Tabas-e-Golshan earthquake fault in eastern Iran
RT Walker, MM Khatib, A Bahroudi, A Rodés, C Schnabel, M Fattahi, ...
Geomorphology 237, 98-118, 2015
A geophysical potential field study to image the Makran subduction zone in SE of Iran
M Abedi, A Bahroudi
Tectonophysics 688, 119-134, 2016
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مقالات 1–20