Marcello Salvatore Lenucci
Marcello Salvatore Lenucci
Professore associato di Botanica Generale, DiSTeBA, Università del Salento
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Antioxidant composition in cherry and high-pigment tomato cultivars
MS Lenucci, D Cadinu, M Taurino, G Piro, G Dalessandro
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 54 (7), 2606-2613, 2006
Antioxidant activity and bioactive compound changes during fruit ripening of high-lycopene tomato cultivars
R Ilahy, C Hdider, MS Lenucci, I Tlili, G Dalessandro
Journal of food composition and analysis 24 (4-5), 588-595, 2011
Phytochemical composition and antioxidant activity of high-lycopene tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) cultivars grown in Southern Italy
R Ilahy, C Hdider, MS Lenucci, I Tlili, G Dalessandro
Scientia Horticulturae 127 (3), 255-261, 2011
Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Carotenoids from Pumpkin (Cucurbita spp.): A Review
M Durante, MS Lenucci, G Mita
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 15 (4), 6725-6740, 2014
Bioactive compounds and antioxidant activities of different watermelon (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Mansfeld) cultivars as affected by fruit sampling area
I Tlili, C Hdider, MS Lenucci, I Riadh, H Jebari, G Dalessandro
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 24 (3), 307-314, 2011
Enzyme-aided extraction of lycopene from high-pigment tomato cultivars by supercritical carbon dioxide
MS Lenucci, M De Caroli, PP Marrese, A Iurlaro, L Rescio, V Böhm, ...
Food Chemistry 170, 193-202, 2015
Fungal chitin induces trained immunity in human monocytes during cross-talk of the host with Saccharomyces cerevisiae
L Rizzetto, DC Ifrim, S Moretti, N Tocci, SC Cheng, J Quintin, G Renga, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 291 (15), 7961-7972, 2016
Bioactive compounds and antioxidant activities during fruit ripening of watermelon cultivars
I Tlili, C Hdider, MS Lenucci, R Ilahy, H Jebari, G Dalessandro
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 24 (7), 923-928, 2011
Water stress and cell wall polysaccharides in the apical root zone of wheat cultivars varying in drought tolerance
MR Leucci, MS Lenucci, G Piro, G Dalessandro
Journal of Plant Physiology 165 (11), 1168-1180, 2008
Comparative genomics reveals candidate carotenoid pathway regulators of ripening watermelon fruit
S Grassi, G Piro, JM Lee, Y Zheng, Z Fei, G Dalessandro, JJ Giovannoni, ...
BMC genomics 14, 1-20, 2013
Seeds of pomegranate, tomato and grapes: An underestimated source of natural bioactive molecules and antioxidants from agri-food by-products
M Durante, A Montefusco, PP Marrese, M Soccio, D Pastore, G Piro, ...
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 63, 65-72, 2017
Inside and beyond color: Comparative overview of functional quality of tomato and watermelon fruits
R Ilahy, I Tlili, MW Siddiqui, C Hdider, MS Lenucci
Frontiers in Plant Science 10, 769, 2019
Functional, textural and sensory properties of dry pasta supplemented with lyophilized tomato matrix or with durum wheat bran extracts produced by supercritical carbon dioxide …
A Pasqualone, G Gambacorta, C Summo, F Caponio, G Di Miceli, ...
Food chemistry 213, 545-553, 2016
Protein trafficking to the cell wall occurs through mechanisms distinguishable from default sorting in tobacco
M De Caroli, MS Lenucci, GP Di Sansebastiano, G Dalessandro, ...
The Plant Journal 65 (2), 295-308, 2011
Optimisation of biological and physical parameters for lycopene supercritical CO2 extraction from ordinary and high‐pigment tomato cultivars
MS Lenucci, A Caccioppola, M Durante, L Serrone, R Leonardo, G Piro, ...
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 90 (10), 1709-1718, 2010
Effect of drying and co-matrix addition on the yield and quality of supercritical CO2 extracted pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch.) oil
M Durante, MS Lenucci, L D’Amico, G Piro, G Mita
Food chemistry 148, 314-320, 2014
Pre-and post-harvest factors affecting glucosinolate content in broccoli
R Ilahy, I Tlili, Z Pék, A Montefusco, MW Siddiqui, F Homa, C Hdider, ...
Frontiers in nutrition 7, 147, 2020
Possible use of the carbohydrates present in tomato pomace and in byproducts of the supercritical carbon dioxide lycopene extraction process as biomass for bioethanol production
MS Lenucci, M Durante, M Anna, G Dalessandro, G Piro
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 61 (15), 3683-3692, 2013
Application of response surface methodology (RSM) for the optimization of supercritical CO2 extraction of oil from patè olive cake: Yield, content of bioactive molecules and …
M Durante, A Ferramosca, L Treppiccione, M Di Giacomo, V Zara, ...
Food Chemistry 332, 127405, 2020
Durum wheat by-products as natural sources of valuable nutrients
M Durante, MS Lenucci, L Rescio, G Mita, S Caretto
Phytochemistry Reviews 11, 255-262, 2012
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مقالات 1–20