Mile Ivanda
Mile Ivanda
Senior Scientist
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Chemical and micro structural properties of TiO2 synthesized by sol-gel procedure
S Musić, M Gotić, M Ivanda, S Popović, A Turković, R Trojko, A Sekulić, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: B 47 (1), 33-40, 1997
Sol–gel synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline ZnO powders
M Ristić, S Musić, M Ivanda, S Popović
Journal of alloys and compounds 397 (1-2), L1-L4, 2005
Synthesis and characterisation of bismuth (III) vanadate
M Gotić, S Musić, M Ivanda, M Šoufek, S Popović
Journal of Molecular Structure 744, 535-540, 2005
Dependence of nanocrystalline SnO2 particle size on synthesis route
M Ristić, M Ivanda, S Popović, S Musić
Journal of non-crystalline solids 303 (2), 270-280, 2002
Synthesis of tungsten trioxide hydrates and their structural properties
M Gotić, M Ivanda, S Popović, S Musić
Materials Science and Engineering: B 77 (2), 193-201, 2000
XRD, Raman and FT-IR spectroscopic observations of nanosized TiO2 synthesized by the sol–gel method based on an esterification reaction
M Ivanda, S Musić, S Popović, M Gotić
Journal of Molecular structure 480, 645-649, 1999
Microstructure of nanosized TiO2 obtained by sol-gel synthesis
M Gotić, M Ivanda, A Sekulić, S Musić, S Popović, A Turković, K Furić
Materials Letters 28 (1-3), 225-229, 1996
Raman investigation of nanosized TiO2
M Gotić, M Ivanda, S Popović, S Musić, A Sekulić, A Turković, K Furić
Journal of Raman spectroscopy 28 (7), 555-558, 1997
Raman spectroscopy of ball-milled TiO2
A Gajović, M Stubičar, M Ivanda, K Furić
Journal of Molecular Structure 563, 315-320, 2001
Precipitation of ZnO particles and their properties
S Musić, Đ Dragčević, S Popović, M Ivanda
Materials letters 59 (19-20), 2388-2393, 2005
Synthesis and characterization of silver colloidal nanoparticles with different coatings for SERS application
L Mikac, M Ivanda, M Gotić, T Mihelj, L Horvat
Journal of nanoparticle research 16, 1-13, 2014
Raman spectroscopy of thermally annealed TiO2 thin films
A Turković, M Ivanda, A Drasner, V Vranesa, M Persin
Thin solid films 198 (1-2), 199-205, 1991
Low wavenumber Raman scattering of nanoparticles and nanocomposite materials
M Ivanda, K Furić, S Musić, M Ristić, M Gotić, D Ristić, AM Tonejc, I Djerdj, ...
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy: An International Journal for Original Work in …, 2007
Sol–gel synthesis and characterization of V2O5 powders
M Gotić, S Popović, M Ivanda, S Musić
Materials Letters 57 (21), 3186-3192, 2003
Low-wave-number Raman scattering from quantum dots embedded in a glass matrix
M Ivanda, K Babocsi, C Dem, M Schmitt, M Montagna, W Kiefer
Physical Review B 67 (23), 235329, 2003
Determination of histamine in fish by Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy using silver colloid SERS substrates
T Janči, D Valinger, JG Kljusurić, L Mikac, S Vidaček, M Ivanda
Food Chemistry 224, 48-54, 2017
The effects of crystal size on the Raman spectra of nanophase TiO2
M Ivanda, S Musić, M Gotić, A Turković, AM Tonejc, O Gamulin
Journal of molecular structure 480, 641-644, 1999
Formation of three-dimensional quantum-dot superlattices in amorphous systems: Experiments and Monte Carlo simulations
M Buljan, UV Desnica, M Ivanda, N Radić, P Dubček, G Dražić, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (3), 035310, 2009
Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for the detection of microplastics
L Mikac, I Rigó, L Himics, A Tolić, M Ivanda, M Veres
Applied surface science 608, 155239, 2023
Low‐temperature anomalies of cuprite observed by Raman spectroscopy and x‐ray powder diffraction
M Ivanda, D Waasmaier, A Endriss, J Ihringer, A Kirfel, W Kiefer
Journal of Raman spectroscopy 28 (7), 487-493, 1997
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مقالات 1–20