Young Dae Kwon
Young Dae Kwon
College of Medicine, the Catholic University of Korea
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على catholic.ac.kr
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Relationship between physical disability and depression by gender: a panel regression model
JW Noh, YD Kwon, J Park, IH Oh, J Kim
PloS one 11 (11), e0166238, 2016
Body mass index and depressive symptoms in middle aged and older adults
JW Noh, YD Kwon, J Park, J Kim
BMC public health 15, 1-7, 2015
Factors affecting complete and timely childhood immunization coverage in Sindh, Pakistan; A secondary analysis of cross-sectional survey data
JW Noh, Y Kim, N Akram, KB Yoo, J Park, J Cheon, YD Kwon, ...
PloS one 13 (10), e0206766, 2018
Information system success model for customer relationship management system in health promotion centers
W Choi, MJ Rho, J Park, KJ Kim, YD Kwon, IY Choi
Healthcare informatics research 19 (2), 110-120, 2013
Factors associated with the use of antenatal care in Sindh province, Pakistan: A population-based study
JW Noh, Y Kim, LJ Lee, N Akram, F Shahid, YD Kwon, J Stekelenburg
PloS one 14 (4), e0213987, 2019
The impact of having private health insurance on healthcare utilization with controlling for endogeneity
SW Kang, CH You, EH Oh, YD Kwon
Korean J Health Econ Policy 16 (1), 139-159, 2010
Body mass index and depressive symptoms in older adults: a cross-lagged panel analysis
J Kim, JW Noh, J Park, YD Kwon
PloS one 9 (12), e114891, 2014
Public satisfaction with the healthcare system performance in South Korea: Universal healthcare system
K Park, J Park, YD Kwon, Y Kang, JW Noh
Health Policy 120 (6), 621-629, 2016
Relationship between body image and weight status in east Asian countries: comparison between South Korea and Taiwan
JW Noh, YD Kwon, Y Yang, J Cheon, J Kim
BMC Public Health 18, 1-8, 2018
Impact of parental socioeconomic status on childhood and adolescent overweight and underweight in Korea
JW Noh, Y Kim, J Park, IH Oh, YD Kwon
Journal of epidemiology 24 (3), 221-229, 2014
A study on the present status of clinical nurses with expanded role
YD Kwon, YH Sung, IG Kwon, MS Hwang
Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research 14 (3), 99-115, 2008
Gender difference in relationship between health-related quality of life and work status
JW Noh, J Kim, J Park, H Kim, YD Kwon
PLoS One 10 (12), e0143579, 2015
The effects of supplementary private health insurance on healthcare utilization and expenditures: indemnity vs. fixed-benefit
Korean Social Security Studies 27 (1), 277-292, 2011
Body mass index and self-rated health in East Asian countries: Comparison among South Korea, China, Japan, and Taiwan
JW Noh, J Kim, Y Yang, J Park, J Cheon, YD Kwon
PloS one 12 (8), e0183881, 2017
Factors influencing medical institution selection for outpatient services
CH You, YD Kwon
Journal of the Korean Medical Association 55 (9), 898-910, 2012
Effects of supplemental insurance on health care utilization and expenditures among cancer patients in Korea
SW Kang, YD Kwon, CH You
Health Policy and Management 15 (4), 65-80, 2005
Nationwide trends in stroke hospitalization over the past decade
영대권, 혜정장, 윤정최, 성상윤
Journal of the Korean Medical Association 55 (10), 1014-1025, 2012
The elderly and falls: Factors associated with quality of life A cross-sectional study using large-scale national data in Korea
JW Noh, KB Kim, JH Lee, BH Lee, YD Kwon, SH Lee
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics 73, 279-283, 2017
Use of acupuncture therapy as a supplement to conventional medical treatments for acute ischaemic stroke patients in an academic medical centre in Korea
H Chang, YD Kwon, SS Yoon
Complementary Therapies in Medicine 19 (5), 256-263, 2011
The determinants of the use of opportunistic screening programs in Korea
SW Kang, CH You, YD Kwon
Journal of preventive medicine and public health 42 (3), 177-182, 2009
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مقالات 1–20