Creating something from nothing: Resource construction through entrepreneurial bricolage T Baker, RE Nelson Administrative science quarterly 50 (3), 329-366, 2005 | 5809 | 2005 |
Improvising firms: Bricolage, account giving and improvisational competencies in the founding process T Baker, AS Miner, DT Eesley Research policy 32 (2), 255-276, 2003 | 1654 | 2003 |
Everyday entrepreneurship—a call for entrepreneurship research to embrace entrepreneurial diversity F Welter, T Baker, DB Audretsch, WB Gartner Entrepreneurship theory and practice 41 (3), 311-321, 2017 | 1028 | 2017 |
Bricolage as a path to innovativeness for resource‐constrained new firms J Senyard, T Baker, P Steffens, P Davidsson Journal of Product Innovation Management 31 (2), 211-230, 2014 | 679 | 2014 |
A framework for comparing entrepreneurship processes across nations T Baker, E Gedajlovic, M Lubatkin Journal of International Business Studies 36, 492-504, 2005 | 629 | 2005 |
It's what you make of it: Founder identity and enacting strategic responses to adversity EE Powell, T Baker Academy of Management Journal 57 (5), 1406-1433, 2014 | 549 | 2014 |
Invisible entrepreneurs: The neglect of women business owners by mass media and scholarly journals in the USA T Baker, howard E. aldrich, L Nina Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 9 (3), 221-238, 1997 | 510 | 1997 |
Three waves and counting: The rising tide of contextualization in entrepreneurship research F Welter, T Baker, K Wirsching Small business economics 52, 319-330, 2019 | 483 | 2019 |
Blinded by the cites? Has there been progress in entrepreneurship research HE Aldrich, T Baker Entrepreneurship 2000, 377-400, 2000 | 436 | 2000 |
Bridging the valley of death: Lessons learned from 14 years of commercialization of technology education SH Barr, TED Baker, SK Markham, AI Kingon Academy of management learning & education 8 (3), 370-388, 2009 | 403 | 2009 |
The age-effect of financial indicators as buffers against the liability of newness J Wiklund, T Baker, D Shepherd Journal of business venturing 25 (4), 423-437, 2010 | 384 | 2010 |
Resources in play: Bricolage in the Toy Store (y) T Baker Journal of business venturing 22 (5), 694-711, 2007 | 356 | 2007 |
Entrepreneurial bricolage: Towards systematic empirical testing J Senyard, T Baker, P Davidsson Frontiers of entrepreneurship research 29 (5), 5, 2009 | 284 | 2009 |
Contextualizing entrepreneurship theory T Baker, F Welter | 244 | 2020 |
In the beginning: Identity processes and organizing in multi-founder nascent ventures EE Powell, T Baker Academy of Management Journal 60 (6), 2381-2414, 2017 | 241 | 2017 |
Moving contexts onto new roads: Clues from other disciplines F Welter, T Baker Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 45 (5), 1154-1175, 2021 | 234 | 2021 |
A measure of entrepreneurial bricolage behavior P Davidsson, T Baker, JM Senyard International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 23 (1), 114-135, 2017 | 208 | 2017 |
Contextual entrepreneurship: An interdisciplinary perspective T Baker, F Welter Foundations and Trends® in Entrepreneurship 14 (4), 357-426, 2018 | 205 | 2018 |
Prometheus stretches: Building identity and cumulative knowledge in multiemployer careers T Baker, HE Aldrich The boundaryless career, 132-149, 1996 | 173 | 1996 |
Come on out of the ghetto, please!–Building the future of entrepreneurship research T Baker, F Welter International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 23 (2), 170-184, 2017 | 153 | 2017 |