Ainsley Elbra
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The forgotten resource curse: South Africa's poor experience with mineral extraction
AD Elbra
Resources Policy 38 (4), 549-557, 2013
Governing African Gold Mining
A Elbra
Palgrave Macmillan, 2017
Interests need not be pursued if they can be created: private governance in African gold mining
AD Elbra
Business and Politics 16 (2), 2014
Paying a ‘fair share’: Multinational corporations’ perspectives on taxation
A Elbra, J Mikler
Global Policy 8 (2), 181-190, 2017
Gold mining in sub-Saharan Africa: Towards private sector governance
A Elbra
The Extractive Industries and Society 1 (2), 216-224, 2014
BEPS and the new politics of corporate tax justice
R Eccleston
Business, Civil Society and the ‘New’Politics of Corporate Tax Justice, 40-67, 2018
Activism and the ‘new’politics of tax justice
A Elbra
Business, Civil Society and the ‘New’Politics of Corporate Tax Justice, 68-88, 2018
Defending harmful tax practices: mining companies’ responses to the Australian Senate Inquiry into tax avoidance
J Mikler, A Elbra, H Murphy-Gregory
Australian journal of political science 54 (2), 238-254, 2019
The Big Four and corporate tax governance: From global dis‐harmony to national regulatory incrementalism
A Elbra, J Mikler, H Murphy‐Gregory
Global Policy 14 (1), 72-83, 2023
The Australian campaign against corporate tax avoidance: agenda-setting, narratives, and political opportunities
H Murphy-Gregory, A Elbra, J Mikler, L Johnson
Australian Journal of Political Science 55 (4), 399-415, 2020
Knowledge and Power: The role of the Big Four in the competitive disharmonization of global corporate tax avoidance regulations
A Elbra, J Mikler, H Murphy-Gregory
MNCs in Global Politics: Pathways of Influence, 2020
Political investorism in Australia: unnatural insiders and the insider/outsider dynamics of market lobbying
E O’Brien, A Elbra, M Boersma, J Coneybeer
Australian journal of political science 58 (4), 383-403, 2023
Perceptions of the global financial crisis in the US, UK, Canada and Australia: a comparative editorial analysis of the legitimacy of finance
J Mikler, S Rajendra, AD Elbra
Business and Politics 18 (1), 1-25, 2016
Fool's Gold: Business Power and the Evolution of the Conflict-Free Gold Standard
A Elbra
Global Policy 11 (3), 336-346, 2020
Introduction: business, civil societyand the ‘new’politics of corporate tax justice: paying a fair share?
A Elbra, R Eccleston
Business, Civil Society and the ‘New’Politics of Corporate Tax Justice, 1-20, 2018
Paying a ‘fair share’: multinational corporations’ perspectives on taxation
J Mikler, A Elbra
Business, Civil Society and the ‘New’Politics of Corporate Tax Justice, 155-176, 2018
The rise of tax justice NGOs and the new politics of corporate taxation
A Elbra
Handbook of Research on NGOs, 240-257, 2018
The Shifting Face of Financial Power post the Global Financial Crisis in Liberal Market Economies
J Mikler, S Rajendra, A Elbra
International Political Science Association World Congress, Montreal Canada, 2014
The AGM as a site of contestation: evaluating the tactics of environmental shareholder activists
A Elbra
New Political Economy 29 (3), 370-384, 2024
Panacea or Pretence? The role of private governance in alleviating Zambia’s resource curse
A Elbra
African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific 2012 Conference, 2012
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مقالات 1–20