Dimitrios Kalderis
Dimitrios Kalderis
Hellenic Mediterranean University - Department of Electronic Engineering
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Biochar production by sewage sludge pyrolysis
E Agrafioti, G Bouras, D Kalderis, E Diamadopoulos
Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis 101, 72-78, 2013
Production of activated carbon from bagasse and rice husk by a single-stage chemical activation method at low retention times
D Kalderis, S Bethanis, P Paraskeva, E Diamadopoulos
Bioresource technology 99 (15), 6809-6816, 2008
Arsenic and chromium removal from water using biochars derived from rice husk, organic solid wastes and sewage sludge
E Agrafioti, D Kalderis, E Diamadopoulos
Journal of environmental management 133, 309-314, 2014
Application of Floating Aquatic Plants in Phytoremediation of Heavy Metals Polluted Water: A Review
DK Shafaqat Ali, Zohaib Abbas, Muhammad Rizwan, Ihsan Elahi Zaheer, İlkay ...
Sustainability 12, 1927-1961, 2020
Adsorption of Cu (II) ions from aqueous solutions on biochars prepared from agricultural by-products
FM Pellera, A Giannis, D Kalderis, K Anastasiadou, R Stegmann, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 96 (1), 35-42, 2012
Adsorption of polluting substances on activated carbons prepared from rice husk and sugarcane bagasse
D Kalderis, D Koutoulakis, P Paraskeva, E Diamadopoulos, E Otal, ...
Chemical engineering journal 144 (1), 42-50, 2008
Ca and Fe modified biochars as adsorbents of arsenic and chromium in aqueous solutions
E Agrafioti, D Kalderis, E Diamadopoulos
Journal of environmental management 146, 444-450, 2014
Characterization of hydrochars produced by hydrothermal carbonization of rice husk
D Kalderis, MS Kotti, A Méndez, G Gascó
Solid Earth 5 (1), 477-483, 2014
Soils contaminated with explosives: Environmental fate and evaluation of state-of-the-art remediation processes (IUPAC Technical Report)
D Kalderis, AL Juhasz, R Boopathy, S Comfort
Pure and Applied Chemistry 83 (7), 1407-1484, 2011
Flocculation behavior of mallow and okra mucilage in treating wastewater
K Anastasakis, D Kalderis, E Diamadopoulos
Desalination 249 (2), 786-791, 2009
Sonocatalytic degradation of an anthraquinone dye using TiO2-biochar nanocomposite
A Khataee, B Kayan, P Gholami, D Kalderis, S Akay
Ultrasonics sonochemistry 39, 120-128, 2017
Microplastics as carriers of inorganic and organic contaminants in the environment: A review of recent progress
V Kinigopoulou, I Pashalidis, D Kalderis, I Anastopoulos
Journal of Molecular Liquids 350, 118580, 2022
Ultrasound-assisted removal of Acid Red 17 using nanosized Fe3O4-loaded coffee waste hydrochar
A Khataee, B Kayan, D Kalderis, A Karimi, S Akay, M Konsolakis
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 35, 72-80, 2017
Production of activated carbon from agricultural by‐products
P Paraskeva, D Kalderis, E Diamadopoulos
Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology: International Research in …, 2008
Glycine betaine accumulation, significance and interests for heavy metal tolerance in plants
S Ali, Z Abbas, MF Seleiman, M Rizwan, İ YavaŞ, BA Alhammad, A Shami, ...
Plants 9 (7), 896, 2020
Toward the standardization of biochar analysis: the COST action TD1107 interlaboratory comparison
HJ Bachmann, TD Bucheli, A Dieguez-Alonso, D Fabbri, H Knicker, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 64 (2), 513-527, 2016
Preparation of novel CeO2-biochar nanocomposite for sonocatalytic degradation of a textile dye
A Khataee, P Gholami, D Kalderis, E Pachatouridou, M Konsolakis
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 41, 503-513, 2018
Adsorption of 2, 4-dichlorophenol on paper sludge/wheat husk biochar: process optimization and comparison with biochars prepared from wood chips, sewage sludge and hog fuel …
D Kalderis, B Kayan, S Akay, E Kulaksız, B Gözmen
Journal of environmental chemical engineering 5 (3), 2222-2231, 2017
Cu2O-CuO@ biochar composite: synthesis, characterization and its efficient photocatalytic performance
A Khataee, D Kalderis, P Gholami, A Fazli, M Moschogiannaki, V Binas, ...
Applied Surface Science 498, 143846, 2019
Sonocatalytic degradation of Reactive Yellow 39 using synthesized ZrO2 nanoparticles on biochar
A Khataee, B Kayan, P Gholami, D Kalderis, S Akay, L Dinpazhoh
Ultrasonics sonochemistry 39, 540-549, 2017
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مقالات 1–20