Bryan Webber
Bryan Webber
Emeritus Professor of Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على hep.phy.cam.ac.uk - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Review of particle physics
C Amsler, M Doser, P Bloch, A Ceccucci, GF Giudice, A Höcker, ...
Physics Letters B 667 (1-5), 1-6, 2008
Review of particle physics
K Nakamura
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 37 (7 A), 2010
Review of particle physics
S Eidelman, KG Hayes, KA Olive, M Aguilar-Benitez, C Amsler, D Asner, ...
Physics letters B 592 (1-4), 1-5, 2004
HERWIG 6: an event generator for hadron emission reactions with interfering gluons (including supersymmetric processes)
G Corcella, IG Knowles, G Marchesini, S Moretti, K Odagiri, P Richardson, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2001 (01), 010, 2001
Review of particle physics
K Hagiwara, K Hikasa, K Nakamura, M Tanabashi, M Aguilar-Benitez, ...
Physical Review D (Particles and Fields) 66 (1), 2002
Herwig++ physics and manual
M Bähr, S Gieseke, MA Gigg, D Grellscheid, K Hamilton, O Latunde-Dada, ...
The European Physical Journal C 58, 639-707, 2008
Review of particle physics
WM Yao
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 33 (1), 1, 2006
Matching NLO QCD computations and parton shower simulations
S Frixione, BR Webber
Journal of High Energy Physics 2002 (06), 029, 2002
HERWIG 5.1-a Monte Carlo event generator for simulating hadron emission reactions with interfering gluons
G Marchesini, BR Webber, G Abbiendi, IG Knowles, MH Seymour, ...
Computer Physics Communications 67 (3), 465-508, 1992
QCD and collider physics
RK Ellis, WJ Stirling, BR Webber
Cambridge university press, 2003
Longitudinally-invariant k⊥-clustering algorithms for hadron-hadron collisions
S Catani, YL Dokshitzer, MH Seymour, BR Webber
Nuclear Physics B 406 (1-2), 187-224, 1993
QCD matrix elements+ parton showers
S Catani, F Krauss, BR Webber, R Kuhn
Journal of High Energy Physics 2001 (11), 063, 2002
Better jet clustering algorithms
YL Dokshitzer, GD Leder, S Moretti, BR Webber
Journal of High Energy Physics 1997 (08), 001, 1997
Single-top hadroproduction in association with a W boson
S Frixione, E Laenen, P Motylinski, C White, BR Webber
Journal of High Energy Physics 2008 (07), 029, 2008
A QCD model for jet fragmentation including soft gluon interference
BR Webber
Nuclear Physics B 238 (3), 492-528, 1984
New clustering algorithm for multijet cross sections in e+ e− annihilation
S Catani, YL Dokshitzer, M Olsson, G Turnock, BR Webber
Physics Letters B 269 (3-4), 432-438, 1991
Matching NLO QCD and parton showers in heavy flavour production
S Frixione, P Nason, BR Webber
Journal of High Energy Physics 2003 (08), 007, 2003
Monte Carlo simulation of general hard processes with coherent QCD radiation
G Marchesini, BR Webber
Nuclear Physics B 310 (3-4), 461-526, 1988
General-purpose event generators for LHC physics
A Buckley, J Butterworth, S Gieseke, D Grellscheid, S Höche, H Hoeth, ...
Physics Reports 504 (5), 145-233, 2011
Simulation of QCD jets including soft gluon interference
G Marchesini, BR Webber
Nuclear Physics B 238 (1), 1-29, 1984
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مقالات 1–20