Andrzej Kochanski
Andrzej Kochanski
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على wip.pw.edu.pl
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Prediction of ductile cast iron quality by artificial neural networks
M Perzyk, AW Kochański
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 109 (3), 305-307, 2001
Detection of causes of casting defects assisted by artificial neural networks
M Perzyk, A Kochański
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of …, 2003
Modeling of manufacturing processes by learning systems: The naïve Bayesian classifier versus artificial neural networks
M Perzyk, R Biernacki, A Kochański
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 164, 1430-1435, 2005
Comparison of data mining tools for significance analysis of process parameters in applications to process fault diagnosis
M Perzyk, A Kochanski, J Kozlowski, A Soroczynski, R Biernacki
Information Sciences 259, 380-392, 2014
Assessment of ductile iron casting process with the use of the DRSA method
A Kujawińska, M Rogalewicz, M Diering, M Piłacińska, A Hamrol, ...
Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B: Metallurgy 52 (1), 25-34, 2016
Application of dominance-based rough set approach (DRSA) for quality prediction in a casting process
A Kujawinska, M Rogalewicz, M Piłacińska, A Kochański, A Hamrol, ...
Metalurgija 55 (4), 821-824, 2016
Data preparation
A Kochański
Computer Methods in Materials Science 10 (1), 25-29, 2010
Data preprocessing in industrial manufacturing
P Grzegorzewski, A Kochanski
Soft Modeling in Industrial Manufacturing, 27-41, 2019
Knowledge discovery and analysis in manufacturing
M Polczynski, A Kochanski
Quality Engineering 22 (3), 169-181, 2010
Knowledge in Imperfect Data
A Kochanski, M Perzyk, M Klebczyk
Advances in Knowledge Representation, 181 - 210, 2012
Applications of Data Mining to Diagnosis and Control of Manufacturing Processes
M Perzyk, R Biernacki, A Kochanski, J Kozlowski, A Soroczynski
Knowledge-Oriented Applications in Data Mining, Chapter 10, pp. 147-166, 2011
Effectiveness of SCADA systems in control of green sands properties
Z Ignaszak, R Sika, M Perzyk, A Kochański, J Kozłowski
Archives of Foundry Engineering 16, 2016
Comparison of Austempered Ductile Iron and Manganese Steel Wearability
A Kochański, A Krzyńska, T Chmielewski, A Stoliński
Archives of Foundry Engineering 15 (1), 51-54, 2015
Selected principles of feeding systems design: simulation vs industrial experience
M Perzyk, A Kochański, P Mazurek, K Karczewski
Archives of Foundry Engineering 14 (4), 77-82, 2014
Highsilicone Austempered Ductile Iron
A Kochański, A Krzyńska, T Radziszewski
Archives of foundry Engineering 14 (1), 55-58, 2014
Istotność względna sygnałów wejściowych sieci neuronowej
M Perzyk, A Kochański, J Kozłowski
Informatyka w Technologii Materiałów 3, 2003
Properties and structure of high-silicone austempered ductile iron
A Krzyńska, A Kochański
Archives of Foundry Engineering 14 (2), 91-94, 2014
From data to reasoning
P Grzegorzewski, A Kochanski
Soft modeling in industrial manufacturing, 15-25, 2018
Austenitization of Ferritic Ductile Iron
A Krzynska, A Kochanski
Archives of Foundry Engineering 14 (4), 49-54, 2014
Application of the numerical model to design the geometry of a unit tool in the innovative RTH hydroforming technology
H Sadłowska, A Kochański, M Czapla
Materials 13 (23), 5427, 2020
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مقالات 1–20