Therese Bouffard
Therese Bouffard
Département de psychologie, Université du Québec à Montréal
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Influence of self-efficacy on performance in a cognitive task
T Bouffard-Bouchard
The journal of social Psychology 130 (3), 353-363, 1990
Influence of self-efficacy on self-regulation and performance among junior and senior high-school age students
T Bouffard-Bouchard, S Parent, S Larivee
International journal of behavioral development 14 (2), 153-164, 1991
The impact of goal orientation on self‐regulation and performance among college students
T Bouffard, J Boisvert, C Vezeau, C Larouche
British journal of educational psychology 65 (3), 317-329, 1995
Intellectual impairment in school-age children exposed to manganese from drinking water
MF Bouchard, S Sauvé, B Barbeau, M Legrand, MÈ Brodeur, T Bouffard, ...
Environmental health perspectives 119 (1), 138-143, 2011
On the development of harmonious and obsessive passion: The role of autonomy support, activity specialization, and identification with the activity
GA Mageau, RJ Vallerand, J Charest, SJ Salvy, N Lacaille, T Bouffard, ...
Journal of personality 77 (3), 601-646, 2009
Changes in self‐perceptions of competence and intrinsic motivation among elementary schoolchildren
T Bouffard, MF Marcoux, C Vezeau, L Bordeleau
British journal of educational psychology 73 (2), 171-186, 2003
Neurobehavioral function in school-age children exposed to manganese in drinking water
Y Oulhote, D Mergler, B Barbeau, DC Bellinger, T Bouffard, MÈ Brodeur, ...
Environmental health perspectives 122 (12), 1343-1350, 2014
Motivation and coping with the stress of assessment: Gender differences in outcomes for university students
A Bonneville-Roussy, P Evans, J Verner-Filion, RJ Vallerand, T Bouffard
Contemporary educational psychology 48, 28-42, 2017
The roles of autonomy support and harmonious and obsessive passions in educational persistence
A Bonneville-Roussy, RJ Vallerand, T Bouffard
Learning and Individual Differences 24, 22-31, 2013
The use of acceptance and commitment therapy to promote mental health and school engagement in university students: A multisite randomized controlled trial
S Grégoire, L Lachance, T Bouffard, F Dionne
Behavior therapy 49 (3), 360-372, 2018
A developmental study of the relation between combined learning and performance goals and students' self‐regulated learning
T Bouffard, C Vezeau, L Bordeleau
British Journal of Educational Psychology 68 (3), 309-319, 1998
Motivational profile and academic achievement among students enrolled in different schooling tracks
T Bouffard, N Couture
Educational studies 29 (1), 19-38, 2003
Self-regulation on a concept-formation task among average and gifted students
T Bouffard-Bouchard, S Parent, S Lavirée
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 56 (1), 115-134, 1993
When quantity is not enough: Disentangling the roles of practice time, self-regulation and deliberate practice in musical achievement
A Bonneville-Roussy, T Bouffard
Psychology of Music 43 (5), 686-704, 2015
Students’ transition from elementary to high school and changes of the relationship between motivation and academic performance
T Bouffard, L Boileau, C Vezeau
European journal of psychology of education 16 (4), 589-604, 2001
Influence of achievement goals and self‐efficacy on students' self‐regulation and performance
T Bouffard, M Bouchard, G Goulet, I Denoncourt, N Couture
International journal of psychology 40 (6), 373-384, 2005
What makes a good writer? Differences in good and poor writers' self-regulation of writing
M Ferrari, T Bouffard, L Rainville
Instructional science 26 (6), 473-488, 1998
Sentiment D'auto-Efficacité et Exercice Des Processus D'autorégulation Chez Des Éudiants de Niveau Collégial
T Bouffard-Bouchard, A Pinard
International Journal of Psychology 23 (1-6), 409-431, 1988
The relation between accuracy of self‐perception and cognitive development
T Bouffard, H Markovits, C Vezeau, M Boisvert, C Dumas
British journal of educational psychology 68 (3), 321-330, 1998
Stability of biases in self-evaluation and relations to well-being among elementary school children
T Bouffard, C Vezeau, M Roy, A Lengelé
International journal of educational research 50 (4), 221-229, 2011
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مقالات 1–20